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stdClass Object ( [id] => 1769 [title] => FFC on the road: Hungarian Motion Picture Film Festival [alias] => ffc-on-the-road-hungarian-motion-picture-film-festival-202205311735 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => From June 9 to 12, the Hungarian Motion Picture Festival at Lake Balaton presents about one hundred Hungarian films, including twenty premieres. The screenings in Veszprém, Balatonfüred and Balatonalmádi provide a comprehensive insight into the current Hungarian film landscape. The festival, which takes place within the framework of the 'Veszprém - Balaton 2023 - European Capital of Culture" program, was first held in 2022 as… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-05-31 15:34:25 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-05-31 15:35:31 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-05-31 15:34:25 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 965 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 139 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1288 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 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Staatstheater Cottbus shows "Maidan" and "Donbass"
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1767 [title] => Staatstheater Cottbus shows "Maidan" and "Donbass" [alias] => staatstheater-cottbus-shows-maidan-and-donbass [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The Staatstheater Cottbus, together with the FilmfestivalCottbus as a regional partner, is showing two films by the Ukrainian director Sergei Loznitsa: Ukrainian Documentary: Maïdan 24.05.2022 | Tuesday | 19:00 | Kammerbühne Admission is free. Donations are requested! For more information click here. Ukrainian Documentary Film: Donbass 25.05.2022 | Wednesday | 19:00 | Kammerbühne Admission is free. Donations are requested! For more information click here. 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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Donations are requested! For more information click here. Ukrainian Documentary Film: Donbass 25.05.2022 | Wednesday | 19:00 | Kammerbühne Admission is free. Donations are requested! For more information click here. [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/888639b535d99236c0df441262ad877f_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/888639b535d99236c0df441262ad877f_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/888639b535d99236c0df441262ad877f_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/888639b535d99236c0df441262ad877f_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
FFC on the road: Cannes International Film Festival
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1765 [title] => FFC on the road: Cannes International Film Festival [alias] => ffc-on-the-road-cannes-international-film-festival [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Cannes International Film FestivalFrom May 17th to 26th, Bernd Buder and Joshua Jádi can be found at the International Film Festival in Cannes. The focus there is on networking with producers, world distributors and national film sponsors, as well as research on current films from Eastern Europe.In the pictures you can see: 1 Impression Cannes2 Impression Cannes3 MIOB (MOVING IMAGES – OPEN BORDERS)v.l.n.r.: Bernd Buder/FFC,… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => {gallery}1765{/gallery} [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-05-20 07:48:18 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-05-20 07:52:43 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-05-20 07:48:18 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 961 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 136 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1323 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => 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ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 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The focus there is on networking with producers, world distributors and national film sponsors, as well as research on current films from Eastern Europe.In the pictures you can see: 1 Impression Cannes2 Impression Cannes3 MIOB (MOVING IMAGES – OPEN BORDERS)v.l.n.r.: Bernd Buder/FFC,… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/3fdce261fec9e02d13c63ef93539619a_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/3fdce261fec9e02d13c63ef93539619a_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/3fdce261fec9e02d13c63ef93539619a_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/3fdce261fec9e02d13c63ef93539619a_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
FFC on the road: Off Camera Festival
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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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=> Jana Gebauer [username] => Jana [email] => j.gebauer@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$bn3TCA1JMD6iCxO2jncLa.xEWvh2KzfClezNObdpcxSwxq6MLPksq [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-15 16:38:01 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-09-03 07:06:11 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => 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"I visited the festival to participate in the Industry Programme and to find films for our FFC programme. I can't tell you anything about it yet, but I can definitely say that I saw great films, met exciting people and fell in love with this beautiful city." Festival… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/20e5a8f04c915400de5dd2bc304490c1_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/20e5a8f04c915400de5dd2bc304490c1_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/20e5a8f04c915400de5dd2bc304490c1_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/20e5a8f04c915400de5dd2bc304490c1_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
FFC on the road: Zielona Gora
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1760 [title] => FFC on the road: Zielona Gora [alias] => ffc-on-the-road-zielona-gora [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The Norwid Library in Cottbus' twin city Zielona Góra is hosting the Kozzi Krafftówna Łomnicki Film and Theater Festival in mid-June. As a teaser, Jan P. Matuszynski's LEAVE NO TRACES was shown on May 12 in cooperation with FilmFestival Cottbus. The feature film about the story of a teenager who died in a police operation against opposition activists during the times of martial law in… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => {gallery}1760{/gallery} [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-05-13 06:32:10 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-05-16 10:36:21 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-05-13 06:32:10 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 956 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 131 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1325 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 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Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen 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As a teaser, Jan P. Matuszynski's LEAVE NO TRACES was shown on May 12 in cooperation with FilmFestival Cottbus. The feature film about the story of a teenager who died in a police operation against opposition activists during the times of martial law in… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b3ec876a90da9bb8980edd2250434fb3_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b3ec876a90da9bb8980edd2250434fb3_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b3ec876a90da9bb8980edd2250434fb3_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/b3ec876a90da9bb8980edd2250434fb3_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1756 [title] => FFC WINNING FILM SWEEPS SLOVAK FILM AWARDS [alias] => ffc-winning-film-sweeps-slovak-film-awards [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => On 9 April, 107 MOTHERS by Peter Kerekes, the winning film of the 2021 FFC competition, was awarded three Slovak Film Awards: the "Sun in a Net" awards for Best Slovak Film 2021, Best Director and Best Screenplay, which Kerekes co-wrote with Ivan Ostrochovský. The Slovak Film Awards are named after Štefan Uher's classic 1963 film "The Sun in a Net", one of the first… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-04-15 06:59:52 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 788 [checked_out_time] => 2022-04-15 07:00:53 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2022-04-15 06:59:52 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 952 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 127 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1426 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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/en/about-en/news-en.html ) [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/ffc-winning-film-sweeps-slovak-film-awards.html [printLink] => /en/about-en/news-en/ffc-winning-film-sweeps-slovak-film-awards.html?tmpl=component&print=1 [imageXSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_XS.jpg [imageSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_S.jpg [imageMedium] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_M.jpg [imageLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_L.jpg [imageXLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_XL.jpg [imageGeneric] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_Generic.jpg [imageProperties] => stdClass Object ( [filenamePrefix] => 6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09 [pathPrefix] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09 ) [rawTitle] => FFC WINNING FILM SWEEPS SLOVAK FILM AWARDS [author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 788 [name] => Jana Gebauer [username] => Jana [email] => j.gebauer@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$bn3TCA1JMD6iCxO2jncLa.xEWvh2KzfClezNObdpcxSwxq6MLPksq [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-15 16:38:01 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-09-03 07:06:11 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/788-janagebauer.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5746bdc6e07a21e0e7c1e6c202c8e352?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => On 9 April, 107 MOTHERS by Peter Kerekes, the winning film of the 2021 FFC competition, was awarded three Slovak Film Awards: the "Sun in a Net" awards for Best Slovak Film 2021, Best Director and Best Screenplay, which Kerekes co-wrote with Ivan Ostrochovský. The Slovak Film Awards are named after Štefan Uher's classic 1963 film "The Sun in a Net", one of the first… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/6eee9cef32f7f18cecc8f9db6a2c7e09_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
FFC on the road at the Greek Film Festival Berlin
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1754 [title] => FFC on the road at the Greek Film Festival Berlin [alias] => ffc-on-the-road-at-the-greek-film-festival-berlin [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The Greek Film Festival in Berlin will take place from March 30 to April 3, 2022. The festival offers German and international audiences the opportunity to experience the best of the Greek film landscape on the big screen.Held once a year in the heart of Berlin at the historic Babylon, with directors, producers, special jury members and art professionals in attendance, it has already established… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => {gallery}1754{/gallery} [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-04-01 09:58:08 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-04-04 14:40:44 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-04-01 09:58:08 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 950 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 125 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1504 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 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ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => 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FFC film in cinemas from today: Compartment No. 6
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788 [name] => Jana Gebauer [username] => Jana [email] => j.gebauer@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$bn3TCA1JMD6iCxO2jncLa.xEWvh2KzfClezNObdpcxSwxq6MLPksq [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-15 16:38:01 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-09-03 07:06:11 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/788-janagebauer.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5746bdc6e07a21e0e7c1e6c202c8e352?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => 2021 in the Feature Film Competition at the FFC: FROM TODAY IN THE CINEMA Laura came to Moscow from Finland to learn Russian. But she fell in love with Irina and stayed. When they both want to set off together to visit ancient rock paintings thousands of kilometres away from Moscow, Laura suddenly finds herself alone on the train and doesn't know why herself. Instead,… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/9f3dcf4ce584f4d829ed142041e43d1b_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/9f3dcf4ce584f4d829ed142041e43d1b_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/9f3dcf4ce584f4d829ed142041e43d1b_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/9f3dcf4ce584f4d829ed142041e43d1b_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
detailed statement of the FFC about the Ukraine war
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1750 [title] => detailed statement of the FFC about the Ukraine war [alias] => detailed-statement-of-the-ffc-about-the-ukraine-war-202203251139 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Detailed statement FFC team and Coco on the handling of Russian films on 22.3.2022 [fulltext] =>
We are shocked and angered by Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine, by its attempts to usurp or destroy Ukraine's achievements in democratic culture, national sovereignty and cultural core, and appalled by the human tragedies, ecological and cultural catastrophes associated with it and with the increasing attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure.
We have worked continuously with Ukrainian filmmakers over the past few years, making our small contribution to the development of this extraordinary cinematic landscape. Ukrainian cinema has always been an integral part of our festival soul. This year in particular, we hope to showcase Ukrainian cinema as a central part of Ukrainian culture.
The relationship with Russian cinema, on the other hand, has been permanently disrupted by the war. We will continue to stay in contact with those filmmakers in Russia who speak out against the war and share their doubts and criticism of the Putin government. We had planned a special section on Russia this year, the planning of which we abandoned when the war began. The traditional "Russian Day" section will no longer exist. We see the necessity to continue the exchange with partners whose work in dialogue and with mutual respect is against hegemony and for a tolerant coexistence or togetherness.
Within this framework, we will provide a forum for critical Russian voices, but will not celebrate Russian cinema. For the time being, there is no place in our program for false romanticism, escapist existentialism and militaristic war epics from Russia - and there never was before, except in the context of critical analysis.
In doing so, we are following our conviction, which has also been the basis of our content guidelines up to now, namely the promotion of voices that stand up for civil society togetherness.
on behalf of the entire team:
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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Doreen Goethe and Andreas Stein (Management)
Bernd Buder (Program Director)
Joshua Jadi (Deputy Program Director)
Marjorie Bendeck (Director connecting cottbus)
FFC on the road in Budapest
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FFC on the road: Bratislava Industry Days
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1748 [title] => FFC on the road: Bratislava Industry Days [alias] => ffc-on-the-road-bratislava-industry-days [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Bratislyva Industry Days will be held as part of Febiofest Bratislava. For the first time since 2019 again in presence. For us, program director Bernd Buder is on site. Indzstry Days will feature 11 works-in-progress from new Slovak feature, documentary and short film projects. Maybe there will be a film for this year's Cottbus Film Festival? 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ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, 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Gebauer [username] => Jana [email] => j.gebauer@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$bn3TCA1JMD6iCxO2jncLa.xEWvh2KzfClezNObdpcxSwxq6MLPksq [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-15 16:38:01 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-09-03 07:06:11 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/788-janagebauer.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5746bdc6e07a21e0e7c1e6c202c8e352?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => Bratislyva Industry Days will be held as part of Febiofest Bratislava. For the first time since 2019 again in presence. For us, program director Bernd Buder is on site. Indzstry Days will feature 11 works-in-progress from new Slovak feature, documentary and short film projects. Maybe there will be a film for this year's Cottbus Film Festival? [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/904cf04bd99b7fdec4c9f8755ddb6a17_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/904cf04bd99b7fdec4c9f8755ddb6a17_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/904cf04bd99b7fdec4c9f8755ddb6a17_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/904cf04bd99b7fdec4c9f8755ddb6a17_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
FFC films in the ZDF Mediathek
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1741 [title] => FFC films in the ZDF Mediathek [alias] => ffc-films-in-the-zdf-mediathek [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Three feature films from Eastern Europe, reflecting the social changes in the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan and Georgia since the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, are currently available on ZDF Mediathek: Tragicomedy "Nationalstraße" National RoadŠtěpán Altrichter Czech Republic, Germany, 2019, 90 min--> won the "Cottbus into Cinema Award" and the "Audience Award" at the FFC in 2019. Life doesn't love Vandam, but he loves his regular… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-03-16 11:35:36 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2022-03-16 11:35:36 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 939 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 114 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => Jolle Film [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1328 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, 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Boykottiert das Cottbuser Filmfest Russland?
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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Cooperation with Zielona Góra extended
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1738 [title] => Cooperation with Zielona Góra extended [alias] => cooperation-with-zielona-gora-extended [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The FFC will continue to cooperate with its long-standing partner, the Cyprian Norwid Library in Cottbus' Polish twin city Zielona Góra, in 2022.The Kozzi Krafftówna Łomnicki Film and Theatre Festival will take place there from 10-14 June. The focus this year is on the work of actors Barbara Krafftówna and Tadeusz Łomnicki - and of course the original namesake Maciej Kozłowski, the genre actor who… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-03-15 10:49:33 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-03-15 10:51:47 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-03-15 10:49:33 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 936 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 112 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => - Zdzisław Haczek [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1339 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] 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Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen 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War in Ukraine: Statements and interviews always updated
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What do you think of these initiatives? It is important to sustainably support the Ukrainian film scene as an integral part… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4e9f0977a587eb434c4aa2d74092353d_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4e9f0977a587eb434c4aa2d74092353d_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4e9f0977a587eb434c4aa2d74092353d_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/4e9f0977a587eb434c4aa2d74092353d_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Eastern European Film in Times of War: Film Festival Director Bernd Buder in the Corso Podcast
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Our programme director Bernd Buder was a guest on 7.3.2022. You can listen to the podcast , conducted by Susanne Luerweg, here: Click here [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/2be14c7bf5e582e3d07cf6fdbe198e16_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/2be14c7bf5e582e3d07cf6fdbe198e16_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/2be14c7bf5e582e3d07cf6fdbe198e16_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/2be14c7bf5e582e3d07cf6fdbe198e16_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
War in Ukraine: Quote by FFC Team and Coco
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In their more than 30-year history, the FilmFestival Cottbus and connecting cottbus have always seen themselves as a platform… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-03-08 17:52:06 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-03-08 17:55:05 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-03-08 17:52:06 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 931 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 107 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1516 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 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ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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War in Ukraine: Quote by Jana Riemann
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Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, 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The war of aggression… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/111f98f6130992942a4edb8b01d8011a_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/111f98f6130992942a4edb8b01d8011a_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/111f98f6130992942a4edb8b01d8011a_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/111f98f6130992942a4edb8b01d8011a_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1727 [title] => FilmFestival Cottbus at the "Belgrade International Film Festival - FEST" [alias] => filmfestival-cottbus-at-the-belgrade-international-film-festival-fest [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => From 25 February to 6 March, the renowned Belgrade International Film Festival FEST will take place for the 50th time. Marjorie Bendeck, Director of the East-West Co-Production Market "Connecting Cottbus" (CoCo) and Programme Director Bernd Buder are on location for us this year. Bernd Buder is on the lookout for Serbian films for this year's Cottbus Film Festival, so he spends a lot of time… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-03-02 15:25:13 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-03-02 15:31:31 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-03-02 15:25:13 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 926 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 103 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1543 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 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ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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[author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 788 [name] => Jana Gebauer [username] => Jana [email] => j.gebauer@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$bn3TCA1JMD6iCxO2jncLa.xEWvh2KzfClezNObdpcxSwxq6MLPksq [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-15 16:38:01 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-09-03 07:06:11 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => 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Marjorie Bendeck, Director of the East-West Co-Production Market "Connecting Cottbus" (CoCo) and Programme Director Bernd Buder are on location for us this year. Bernd Buder is on the lookout for Serbian films for this year's Cottbus Film Festival, so he spends a lot of time… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/523a36fada51451daac4a100a70599d2_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/523a36fada51451daac4a100a70599d2_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/523a36fada51451daac4a100a70599d2_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/523a36fada51451daac4a100a70599d2_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
War in Ukraine: Quote by program Director Bernd Buder
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At the beginning of the 2000s, there was a phase that was full of hope… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-02-25 13:01:45 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2022-03-02 09:52:28 [modified_by] => 788 [publish_up] => 2022-02-25 13:01:45 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 924 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1470 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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We Are Looking For You!
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We are looking for you to join our team in Cottbus - as a full-time permanent employee. Alongside the management, you will play a key role in managing the FilmFestival Cottbus (FFC) and the Jewish Film Festival Berlin and Brandenburg (JFBB). While the FFC is one of the world's leading festivals for… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/ef04fb1e12d9b477a478529c4faa109b_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/ef04fb1e12d9b477a478529c4faa109b_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/ef04fb1e12d9b477a478529c4faa109b_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/ef04fb1e12d9b477a478529c4faa109b_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 911 [title] => WHERE TO MEET US [alias] => where-to-meet-us-eng [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => You can meet us at various European film festivals throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to send us a short appointment request. [fulltext] =>Polish Days nowe horyzonty , Wroclaw
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director-21.07.-31.07.2022Pula Film Festival
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 19.07.-21.07.2022Palić European Film Festival
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director - 18.07.-20.07.2022International Filmfestival Karlovy Vary
Bernd Buder, Programme Director 4.07.-7.07.2022Cinedays Film Festival, Skopje
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 11.07.-14.07.202256. Internationales Filmfestival Karlovy Vary
Bernd Buder, Programme Director 4.7.-7.7.2022TIFF Transilvania International Film Festival, Cluj
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 22.-26.06.2022
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director -22.-26.06.2022Evia Film Project
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director - 15.06.-19.-06.2022Sofia Meetings (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 09.06.-12.06.2022
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director - 09.06.-12-06.2022Kozzi Krafftówna Łomnicki Film and Theater Festival, Zielona Góra, Polen
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director - 09.06.-11-06.2022Hungarian Motion Picture Festival, Veszprem/Balaton, Ungarn
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 09.06.-12.06.2022Cannes Film Festival / Marché du Film
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 16.5.-26.5.2022
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director5° Festival internazionale Segni della Notte - Urbino (Italy)
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director – 30.3.-01.04.2022
Jury memberGreek Film Festival Berlin
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 30.3.-03.04.2022
Jury memberVilnius Meeting Point, Litauen
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 30.3.-01.04.2022
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director – 30.3.-01.04.2022Industry Days, Bratislava
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 21.-22.3.2022Fest Forward, Belgrad
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 27.2.-1.3.2022European Film Market, Berlinale (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 10.-17.02.2022
Joshua Jádi, assistant programme director – 10.-17.02.2022
Marjorie Bendeck, Director connecting cottbus - 10.-17.-02.2022
Trieste Film Festival (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 24.-28.1.2022Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Saarbrücken (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 16.-26.01.2022
Joshua Jádi, Curator – 16.-26.01.2022DokLeipzig
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 25.-26.10.2021Antalya Film Forum (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 04.-07.10.2021Finale Pilsen
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 24.-27.09.2021Gdynia Film Festival
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 20.-24.09.2021Kozzi Film and Theatre Festival Zielona Góra
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 15.-19.09.2021Pula Film Festival
Joshua Jádi, Curator – 17.-25.07.2021Marché du Film/Festival de Cannes (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 06.-15.07.2021Marché du Film/Festival de Cannes (online)
Marcel Maïga, Curator – 06.-15.07.2021Krakow Film Festival (online)
Joshua Jádi, Curator – 30.05.-06.06.2021KEY BUYERS EVENT: digital 2021 by Roskino Moskau (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 08.-10.05.2021HFF SCREENINGS ONLINE (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 04.-05.05.2021goEast Film Festival Wiesbaden (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 20.-26.4.2021Meeting Point Vilnius, Vilnius Film Festival 2021 (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 14.-16.4.2021INDUSTRY DAYS, International Film Festival Febiofest Bratislava (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 29.-30.3.2021Docudays UA, International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival (online)
Jana Piontkovska, Curator – 26.3.-4.4.2021BEAST International Film Festival (online)
Joshua Jádi, Curator – 24.-28.3.2021COCO CAFÈ at 18th Sofia Meetings, Sofia International Film Festival (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 22.3.2021, 16:00 p.m.18th Sofia Meetings, Sofia International Film Festival (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 17.-24.3.2021WHEN EAST MEETS WEST, Trieste Film Festival (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 25.-28.1.2021Les Arcs International Film Festival, Industry Village (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 20. -22.1.2021Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Saarbrücken (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 17.-24.1.2021
Joshua Jádi, Programme consultant, curator U 18 competition Youthfilm – 17.-24.1.2021Polish Film Festival Gdynia (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 8.-12.12.2020Warsaw Jewish Film Festival (online)
member of the documentary film jury
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 16.-22.11.2020Bosphorus Film Festival – Bosphorus Film Lab (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 23.-30.10.2020Cent East Market @ Warsaw Film Festival (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 15.-18.10.2020Antalya Film Forum
Bernd Buder, Programme Director - 5.-7.10.2020, onlineFinále Plzeň Film Festival + Czech Film Springboard (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 25.-27.9.2020Kozzi Film Festiwal, Zielona Góra
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 9.-13.-9.2020New Horizons Film Festival, Wrocław – Polish Days (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 27.-29.7.2020Golden Apricot Yerevan International Film Festival – C2C Market (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 13.-17.7.2020Karlovy Vary International Film Festival – Eastern Promises industry section (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 6.-8.7.2020
Marjorie Bendeck, Director connecting cottbus – 6.-8.7.2020
Katharina Stumm, Programme Coordinator connecting cottbus – 6.-8.7.2020Sofia International Film Festival
Katharina Stumm, Programme Coordinator connecting cottbus – 3.-5.7.2020Festival de Cannes – Marché du Film (online)
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 22.-26.6.2020
Marcel Maïga, Curator – 22.-26.6.2020
Marjorie Bendeck, Director connecting cottbus – 22.-26.6.2020
Katharina Stumm, Programme Coordinator connecting cottbus – 22.-26.6.2020Russian Virtual Content Market (online)
Marcel Maïga, Curator – 8.-15.6.2020Berlin International Film Festival
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 20.2.-1.3.2020Empfang | reception: East European Brunch
26. Februar 2020 | 26th February, 2020
Andreas Stein, CEO
Bernd Buder, Programme Director
Anke Donnerstag, Programme Department
Marjorie Bendeck, Director connecting cottbus
Katharina Stumm, Programme Coordinator connecting cottbus
Anne-Kathrin Rensch, PR & Marketing FFCTrieste Film Festival
Bernd Buder, Programme Director – 19.-23.1.2020
Marjorie Bendeck, Director connecting cottbus – 19.-22.1.2020Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis, Saarbrücken
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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Please do not hesitate to send us a short appointment request. [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/5d7e022bfc88ea606725533249e32b08_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/5d7e022bfc88ea606725533249e32b08_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/5d7e022bfc88ea606725533249e32b08_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/5d7e022bfc88ea606725533249e32b08_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Joshua Jádi, Programme Consultant - 21.1.-23.1.2020
United in Pride? FFC director Branko Schmidt as an interlocutor in the book about football fan scenes in the former Yugoslavia
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Football, Nation and Identity in the Post-Yugoslav Region", the book by Anne Hahn and Frank Willmann, recently published by the Federal Agency for Civic Education, explores the myth and researches connections to nationalist… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2022-01-06 11:30:22 [created_by] => 788 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified_by] => 0 [publish_up] => 2022-01-06 11:30:22 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 920 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 98 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1448 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 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See you again in 2022!
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Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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[author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 780 [name] => Susann Trzewik [username] => susann [email] => s.trzewik@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$w1bpJOdElJ51GznnatRztOVdKs.qmdA2pAEz4iuwERUkDoiT3h8ui [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-09 09:08:21 [lastvisitDate] => 2022-06-30 08:32:27 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [7] => 7 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/780-susanntrzewik.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2684a6c6dd6d1caf9b93f25f1ef8c776?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [gender] => ) ) [text] => The FilmFestival Cottbus team would like to thank all supporters, partners, colleagues, filmmakers and spectators who made it possible to hold our festival in 2021! We wish you happy holidays and look forward for a good 2022 and for opportunities to see and exchange ideas in person again, at the upcoming festivals, in the cinema or for a good chat over coffee. For the FFC,… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/0af7066a15b46ecace4051cc8307525c_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/0af7066a15b46ecace4051cc8307525c_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/0af7066a15b46ecace4051cc8307525c_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/0af7066a15b46ecace4051cc8307525c_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
DER SCHEIN TRÜGT startet im Kino
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1714 [title] => DER SCHEIN TRÜGT startet im Kino [alias] => der-schein-truegt-startet-im-kino [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Mit DER SCHEIN TRÜGT kommt am 16. Dezember ein weiterer FFC-Film in die deutschen Kinos. In der schwarzen Komödie ziert nach dem Kurzschluss einer Glühbirne plötzlich ein Heiligenschein Stojans Haupt. Das Ding muss weg. Doch nachdem auch gründliches Haarewaschen nichts bringt, verdonnert Stojans Frau Nada ihn zu einem ausgiebigen Curriculum in Sachen Sünde. Ein bisschen Völlerei hier, ein wenig Ehebruch dort. Stojan ackert sich durch… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-12-14 13:45:21 [created_by] => 780 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-12-14 14:44:24 [modified_by] => 780 [publish_up] => 2021-12-14 13:45:21 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 916 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 42 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 4644 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 [userItemIntroText] => 1 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Dezember ein weiterer FFC-Film in die deutschen Kinos. In der schwarzen Komödie ziert nach dem Kurzschluss einer Glühbirne plötzlich ein Heiligenschein Stojans Haupt. Das Ding muss weg. Doch nachdem auch gründliches Haarewaschen nichts bringt, verdonnert Stojans Frau Nada ihn zu einem ausgiebigen Curriculum in Sachen Sünde. Ein bisschen Völlerei hier, ein wenig Ehebruch dort. Stojan ackert sich durch… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/c17033ddd55ecdf5f16c90daa55576ba_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/c17033ddd55ecdf5f16c90daa55576ba_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/c17033ddd55ecdf5f16c90daa55576ba_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/c17033ddd55ecdf5f16c90daa55576ba_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1713 [title] => Das 31. FFC auf Tour: VIEL NEUES IM OSTEN [alias] => das-31-ffc-auf-tour-viel-neues-im-osten [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => In den kommenden Tagen sind einige Werke der FFC-Sektion VIEL NEUES IM OSTEN in ganz Deutschland zu sehen. Die Reihe setzt sich inhaltlich mit der Auflösung der Sowjetunion vor 30 Jahren auseinander. Mit den vorgestellten Filmen thematisiert das Filmfestival den Umbruch in Russland, der Ukraine, Polen und (Ost-)Deutschland... und lädt zur Diskussion darüber ein. Zu sehen ist... TAXI BLUES am 6. 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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FFC auf Tour: VIEL NEUES IM OSTEN [author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 780 [name] => Susann Trzewik [username] => susann [email] => s.trzewik@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$w1bpJOdElJ51GznnatRztOVdKs.qmdA2pAEz4iuwERUkDoiT3h8ui [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-09 09:08:21 [lastvisitDate] => 2022-06-30 08:32:27 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [7] => 7 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/780-susanntrzewik.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2684a6c6dd6d1caf9b93f25f1ef8c776?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [gender] => ) ) [text] => In den kommenden Tagen sind einige Werke der FFC-Sektion VIEL NEUES IM OSTEN in ganz Deutschland zu sehen. Die Reihe setzt sich inhaltlich mit der Auflösung der Sowjetunion vor 30 Jahren auseinander. Mit den vorgestellten Filmen thematisiert das Filmfestival den Umbruch in Russland, der Ukraine, Polen und (Ost-)Deutschland... und lädt zur Diskussion darüber ein. Zu sehen ist... TAXI BLUES am 6. Dezember (18 Uhr)… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/26592557cec344d5b5b242a1353cc260_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/26592557cec344d5b5b242a1353cc260_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/26592557cec344d5b5b242a1353cc260_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/26592557cec344d5b5b242a1353cc260_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Unser Programmtipp
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1712 [title] => Unser Programmtipp [alias] => unser-programmtipp [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Am heutigen Freitag, den 3. Dezember um 20.15 Uhr ist im ACUDkino die 5x4 Kurzfilmkollektion Kollektion zu sehen. Das 5x4 Brandenburger Festivalkino ist ein Festivalkino-Angebot der großen Filmfestivals des Bundeslandes – das FilmFestival Cottbus (FFC), die PROVINZIALE – Filmfest Eberswalde, das Jüdische Filmfestival Berlin und Brandenburg (JFBB) und das FILM OHNE GRENZEN Festival. DIE FARBE DES DURSTES (OT: EL COLOR DE LA SED) R.: Gala… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-12-03 09:37:27 [created_by] => 780 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-12-03 12:02:34 [modified_by] => 780 [publish_up] => 2021-12-03 09:37:27 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 914 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 3926 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Dezember um 20.15 Uhr ist im ACUDkino die 5x4 Kurzfilmkollektion Kollektion zu sehen. Das 5x4 Brandenburger Festivalkino ist ein Festivalkino-Angebot der großen Filmfestivals des Bundeslandes – das FilmFestival Cottbus (FFC), die PROVINZIALE – Filmfest Eberswalde, das Jüdische Filmfestival Berlin und Brandenburg (JFBB) und das FILM OHNE GRENZEN Festival. DIE FARBE DES DURSTES (OT: EL COLOR DE LA SED) R.: Gala… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/6503b8bba24ac83ccad201b1abf0e501_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/6503b8bba24ac83ccad201b1abf0e501_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/6503b8bba24ac83ccad201b1abf0e501_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/6503b8bba24ac83ccad201b1abf0e501_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Romani Perspectives In European Film Festivals – FilmFestival Cottbus joins the think tank at the 5th Ake Dikhea? Film Festival in Berlin
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1711 [title] => Romani Perspectives In European Film Festivals – FilmFestival Cottbus joins the think tank at the 5th Ake Dikhea? Film Festival in Berlin [alias] => romani-perspectives-in-european-film-festivals-filmfestival-cottbus-joins-the-think-tank-at-the-5th-ake-dikhea-film-festival-in-berlin [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Many film festivals in Europe have a political or identity focus to anti-racism, anti-colonialism, gender, feminism, and LGBTIQ+. In this way, they can be seen as sites for promoting human rights and democracy in society. Films on the current situation of Roma are also appearing more and more often in festival programmes. But in most cases, paradoxically, the perspectives of the Roma themselves are left… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-11-29 16:10:32 [created_by] => 780 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-11-29 16:30:52 [modified_by] => 780 [publish_up] => 2021-11-29 16:10:32 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 913 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 96 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1509 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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/en/about-en/news-en.html ) [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/romani-perspectives-in-european-film-festivals-filmfestival-cottbus-joins-the-think-tank-at-the-5th-ake-dikhea-film-festival-in-berlin.html [printLink] => /en/about-en/news-en/romani-perspectives-in-european-film-festivals-filmfestival-cottbus-joins-the-think-tank-at-the-5th-ake-dikhea-film-festival-in-berlin.html?tmpl=component&print=1 [imageXSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_XS.jpg [imageSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_S.jpg [imageMedium] => /media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_M.jpg [imageLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_L.jpg [imageXLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_XL.jpg [imageGeneric] => /media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_Generic.jpg [imageProperties] => stdClass Object ( [filenamePrefix] => 3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045 [pathPrefix] => 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Film Festival in Berlin [author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 780 [name] => Susann Trzewik [username] => susann [email] => s.trzewik@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$w1bpJOdElJ51GznnatRztOVdKs.qmdA2pAEz4iuwERUkDoiT3h8ui [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-09 09:08:21 [lastvisitDate] => 2022-06-30 08:32:27 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [7] => 7 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/780-susanntrzewik.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/2684a6c6dd6d1caf9b93f25f1ef8c776?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [gender] => ) ) [text] => Many film festivals in Europe have a political or identity focus to anti-racism, anti-colonialism, gender, feminism, and LGBTIQ+. In this way, they can be seen as sites for promoting human rights and democracy in society. Films on the current situation of Roma are also appearing more and more often in festival programmes. But in most cases, paradoxically, the perspectives of the Roma themselves are left… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/3a93e06a79b58e8e24434c313eb7a045_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1709 [title] => LOVE TASTING IN SAARBRÜCKEN [alias] => love-tasting-in-saarbruecken-202111251920 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => An afterlife for LOVE TASTING: David Nickel's portrait about first youthful loves and the search for sexual identity in a small Polish town will be shown on 29 November in cooperation with the FilmFestival Cottbus, among others, at Kino achteinhalb in Saarbrücken. The film describes the hothouse atmosphere of the so-called "LGBT-free zones" without moralising. A youth under the pressure of not being allowed to… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-11-25 18:14:51 [created_by] => 780 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-11-25 18:21:24 [modified_by] => 780 [publish_up] => 2021-11-25 18:14:51 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 911 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1509 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 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Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, 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The film describes the hothouse atmosphere of the so-called "LGBT-free zones" without moralising. A youth under the pressure of not being allowed to… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f76a4807a834eef3b5b786da7dba75f6_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f76a4807a834eef3b5b786da7dba75f6_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/f76a4807a834eef3b5b786da7dba75f6_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/f76a4807a834eef3b5b786da7dba75f6_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Mit ADMIRAL TCHUMAKOV zu Gast im Russischen Haus
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Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, 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Im Fokus der Sektion "Viel Neues Im Osten" stehen die Transformationsprozesse nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion. Die Protagonisten der insgesamt zehn Filme stehen für Epochen historischer Veränderungen und bleiben dabei immer persönlich und nahbar. Durch ihre… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/491a4a0327b47b32bd3778bab121ebe0_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/491a4a0327b47b32bd3778bab121ebe0_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/491a4a0327b47b32bd3778bab121ebe0_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/491a4a0327b47b32bd3778bab121ebe0_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
107 Mothers convinces at the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1704 [title] => 107 Mothers convinces at the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus [alias] => 107-mothers-convinces-at-the-31-filmfestival-cottbus [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The 31st FilmFestival is coming to an end and celebrated the grand cinema finale of Eastern European cinema in Cottbus with the award ceremony. After a year's physical break, a high-quality programme consisting of 170 films was shown in seven venues and on ten screens, traditionally, in the first week of November. The main prize for the best film went to 107 MOTHERS by Peter… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-11-07 10:25:20 [created_by] => 802 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-11-07 12:55:12 [modified_by] => 801 [publish_up] => 2021-11-07 10:25:20 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 66 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => Primary [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1969 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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[isRoot:protected] => [id] => 802 [name] => Eddy Quiel [username] => Eddy [email] => presse@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$79QLmYC4v12PuiAzg90JmuiDkhictAXj1pTp4kh1QG8tBa6w18Dnu [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2021-09-27 12:29:23 [lastvisitDate] => 2021-11-12 13:01:18 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [7] => 7 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/802-eddyquiel.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/1fec7d739f759c0c6dc95290cc9a3d35?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 11 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => The 31st FilmFestival is coming to an end and celebrated the grand cinema finale of Eastern European cinema in Cottbus with the award ceremony. After a year's physical break, a high-quality programme consisting of 170 films was shown in seven venues and on ten screens, traditionally, in the first week of November. The main prize for the best film went to 107 MOTHERS by Peter… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b1da35673a92af40fb0d8e72cefac177_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b1da35673a92af40fb0d8e72cefac177_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/b1da35673a92af40fb0d8e72cefac177_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/b1da35673a92af40fb0d8e72cefac177_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1695 [title] => Statement [alias] => pickastory-award-en [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The first PICKASTORY award was given as a part of the COCO section at FilmFestival Cottbus. [fulltext] =>Pickastory is a platform on which audience votes for the best logline. The creators of this platform wanted to involve the audience from the beginning of film making. This year voting took place online, and the award was given to greek filmmaker Minos Nikolakakis.
When a curse makes an authoritarian President “pregnant”, his wife must quit her submissive role to run the country - and save her once-exemplary family.
The winner will get the chance to develop the idea into a film story together with Pickastory team, and to present it on the next Film Festival Cottbus.
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ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Refreshing, surprising and attractive - Turkish films at the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1694 [title] => Refreshing, surprising and attractive - Turkish films at the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus [alias] => ffc-pm-14-de-1686-1693-1694 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Until Sunday, the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus will offer an extensive look at current Turkish cinema and present a total of 15 exciting, visually powerful and completely different feature and short films between political pressure and artistic emancipation for the first time. Despite everything, current Turkish cinema remains discursive and artistically surprising. 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ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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[name] => Eddy Quiel [username] => Eddy [email] => presse@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$79QLmYC4v12PuiAzg90JmuiDkhictAXj1pTp4kh1QG8tBa6w18Dnu [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2021-09-27 12:29:23 [lastvisitDate] => 2021-11-12 13:01:18 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [7] => 7 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => 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Despite everything, current Turkish cinema remains discursive and artistically surprising. With psychological sensitivity and unforeseen twists current developments, historical references and personal fractures are discussed… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4ce4cd1f4d5a8c2dd0abda0c8ce9fa85_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4ce4cd1f4d5a8c2dd0abda0c8ce9fa85_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/4ce4cd1f4d5a8c2dd0abda0c8ce9fa85_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/4ce4cd1f4d5a8c2dd0abda0c8ce9fa85_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
10 FFC Films in the Race for the "Foreign Oscar"
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1690 [title] => 10 FFC Films in the Race for the "Foreign Oscar" [alias] => 8-ffc-filme-im-rennen-um-den-auslands-oscar-1690 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => At the end of March 2022, the so-called "Oscars", the "Academy Awards", are scheduled to take place in Los Angeles for the 94th time. Among the awards will be an "Oscar" for Best International Film. The prize, which until 2019 was called the "Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film", was first awarded in 1957 when it went to Federico Fellini's "La Strada - The… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-11-04 18:00:22 [created_by] => 801 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-11-06 08:52:20 [modified_by] => 802 [publish_up] => 2021-11-04 17:50:34 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 906 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 93 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1676 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 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Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, 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Cult film meets contemporary cinema - The 31st FFC presents exciting film couples from Slovakia
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The Spotlight: Slovensko series connects film heritage with the present, from the immediate post-war period to the… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-11-03 19:03:55 [created_by] => 802 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-11-03 20:52:02 [modified_by] => 801 [publish_up] => 2021-11-03 18:27:49 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 103 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1419 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 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Reason enough to look into the history and present of an unusual film country. The FFC compares cult films from the 1960s with current works - in exciting pairs of long and short films from Slovakia. The Spotlight: Slovensko series connects film heritage with the present, from the immediate post-war period to the… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/5031e263a4a258791d6306b2d3d9dbf6_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/5031e263a4a258791d6306b2d3d9dbf6_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/5031e263a4a258791d6306b2d3d9dbf6_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/5031e263a4a258791d6306b2d3d9dbf6_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Rastislav Steranka interview
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We had the opportunity to ask Rastislav Steranka some questions.What new… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-11-03 14:32:41 [created_by] => 802 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-11-03 15:43:06 [modified_by] => 802 [publish_up] => 2021-11-03 14:25:53 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 904 [featured] => 0 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1942 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 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Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Polish cinema between arthouse and genre, history and politics
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1679 [title] => Polish cinema between arthouse and genre, history and politics [alias] => polish-cinema-between-arthouse-and-genre-history-and-politics [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Between arthouse and Netflix production, current Polish cinema continously takes on socially controversial topics. [fulltext] =>In doing so, it skilfully combines auteur film and genre, building bridges between arthouse and commercial cinema. Streaming providers and television channels such as TVN are becoming important players alongside state film funding. This creates new synergies and perspectives for producers and filmmakers, but also a competitive situation with traditional cinema and festivals. A panel discussion on the occasion of the "Polskie Horyzonty" section at the FilmFestival Cottbus - How is the Polish film landscape changing and to what extent are these changes a pilot project for other European countries?
Thursday, 4th November, 4:00 pm „Obenkino“ in the Gladhouse, Strasse der Jugend 16, 03046 Cottbus
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ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Emilia Mazik, Director Short Waves Festival Poznań, Izabela Kiszka-Hoflik, Producer, World Sales "Erotica 2022" , Aleksander Pietrzak, Director "Black Sheep", Anna Waśniewska- Head of Feature Film Team / Drama Unit, TVN Discovery Group.
Moderation: Kornel Miglus, filmmaker, founder and director of "FilmPolska" Film Festival, film consultant at the Polish Institute Berlin
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1673 [title] => Crashing waves and smoothing waves - Eastern European cinema remains political [alias] => ffc-pm-08-en-1673 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Eastern European cinema remains political. Between parables of totalitarianism, analytical observation and caustic satire, developments since the fall of the Iron Curtain and current social rifts are put to the test, the hopes of the 1990s are set against the current political backward gear. 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Between parables of totalitarianism, analytical observation and caustic satire, developments since the fall of the Iron Curtain and current social rifts are put to the test, the hopes of the 1990s are set against the current political backward gear. In TWO TYPES OF PEOPLE (TR) by Tunç Şahin, an agency buys up bad loans from banks and drives the debtors… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/13bf3ee8d2a01727d45bdca32af9aa23_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/13bf3ee8d2a01727d45bdca32af9aa23_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/13bf3ee8d2a01727d45bdca32af9aa23_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/13bf3ee8d2a01727d45bdca32af9aa23_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Bernd Buder Interview - 31. FilmFestival Cottbus - Part 3
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This is a good time to ask our programme director Bernd Buder a few questions for the last time.
It's about his position and tasks at the FilmFestival Cottbus. A chance for interesting insights behind the scenes.
What makes a visit to FilmFestival Cottbus so special for both local and international guests? And does Bernd perhaps have some insider tips to share with us?These and a few other questions demand answers. You'll get them in this interview!
This mixture cracks! - Thrilling genre diversity between humor, provocation and action at the 31st FFC
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Highly topical themes can be found, such as the forest fire inferno… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-10-28 09:16:02 [created_by] => 801 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-11-10 11:26:58 [modified_by] => 802 [publish_up] => 2021-10-28 16:53:18 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 30 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 0 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1553 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 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ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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They mix genres and bring exciting entertainment to the audience. Between breakneck shootouts, pointed jokes, adventurous liaisons and surreal communities of destiny reflect thoroughly contemporary social contrasts. From laughter to tears to fear, there is something for everyone. 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Bernd Buder Interview - 31. FilmFestival Cottbus - Part 2
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à|a, á|a, â|a, ã|a, ä|a, å|a, Ā|A, ā|a, Ă|A, ă|a, Ą|A, ą|a, Ç|C, ç|c, Ć|C, ć|c, Ĉ|C, ĉ|c, Ċ|C, ċ|c, Č|C, č|c, Ð|D, ð|d, Ď|D, ď|d, Đ|D, đ|d, È|E, É|E, Ê|E, Ë|E, è|e, é|e, ê|e, ë|e, Ē|E, ē|e, Ĕ|E, ĕ|e, Ė|E, ė|e, Ę|E, ę|e, Ě|E, ě|e, Ĝ|G, ĝ|g, Ğ|G, ğ|g, Ġ|G, ġ|g, Ģ|G, ģ|g, Ĥ|H, ĥ|h, Ħ|H, ħ|h, Ì|I, Í|I, Î|I, Ï|I, ì|i, í|i, î|i, ï|i, Ĩ|I, ĩ|i, Ī|I, ī|i, Ĭ|I, ĭ|i, Į|I, į|i, İ|I, ı|i, Ĵ|J, ĵ|j, Ķ|K, ķ|k, ĸ|k, Ĺ|L, ĺ|l, Ļ|L, ļ|l, Ľ|L, ľ|l, Ŀ|L, ŀ|l, Ł|L, ł|l, Ñ|N, ñ|n, Ń|N, ń|n, Ņ|N, ņ|n, Ň|N, ň|n, ʼn|n, Ŋ|N, ŋ|n, Ò|O, Ó|O, Ô|O, Õ|O, Ö|O, Ø|O, ò|o, ó|o, ô|o, õ|o, ö|o, ø|o, Ō|O, ō|o, Ŏ|O, ŏ|o, Ő|O, ő|o, Ŕ|R, ŕ|r, Ŗ|R, ŗ|r, Ř|R, ř|r, Ś|S, ś|s, Ŝ|S, ŝ|s, Ş|S, ş|s, Š|S, š|s, ſ|s, Ţ|T, ţ|t, Ť|T, ť|t, Ŧ|T, ŧ|t, Ù|U, Ú|U, Û|U, Ü|U, ù|u, ú|u, û|u, ü|u, Ũ|U, ũ|u, Ū|U, ū|u, Ŭ|U, ŭ|u, Ů|U, ů|u, Ű|U, ű|u, Ų|U, ų|u, Ŵ|W, ŵ|w, Ý|Y, ý|y, ÿ|y, Ŷ|Y, ŷ|y, Ÿ|Y, Ź|Z, ź|z, Ż|Z, ż|z, Ž|Z, ž|z, α|a, β|b, γ|g, δ|d, ε|e, ζ|z, η|h, θ|th, ι|i, κ|k, λ|l, μ|m, ν|n, ξ|x, ο|o, π|p, ρ|r, σ|s, τ|t, υ|y, φ|f, χ|ch, ψ|ps, ω|w, Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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This is a good time to ask our programme director Bernd Buder the next wave of questions.
It's about his position and tasks at FilmFestival Cottbus. A chance for interesting insights behind the scenes.
Why are the short film nights in particular so popular at the FFC? What makes the new sections Close Up TR and Its All Go In The East such eye-catchers this year?
These and some other questions demand answers. You'll get them in this interview!
Bernd Buder Interview - 31st FilmFestival Cottbus - Part 1
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This is a good opportunity to get to know our programme director Bernd Buder a little better.
Bernd answers questions about his position and the FilmFestival Cottbus, providing interesting insights behind our scenes.
What does the everyday life of a programme director look like? How long does it take to prepare such a big project such as the FilmFestival Cottbus?
These and some other questions demand answers. You'll get them in this interview!
Independent, fearless, indomitable: the heroines of the 31st FFC
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/en/about-en/news-en/author/801-andrealenz.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d3f1d44deb80e210c9b622865a09262b?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 10 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => In its 31st edition, the FilmFestival Cottbus will present a total of 61 films from 33 (co-)production countries by and about women. The films bear witness to a world in which women can make equally sensitive films about men as men can make subtle films about women. Thematically, the contributions of the 31st FFC revolve around strong women and their everyday, sometimes dramatic stories. One… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/8b4a7ea3ecafbb8fa3d97b752cf2b591_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/8b4a7ea3ecafbb8fa3d97b752cf2b591_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/8b4a7ea3ecafbb8fa3d97b752cf2b591_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/8b4a7ea3ecafbb8fa3d97b752cf2b591_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1634 [title] => Eastern Europe between Teachers' Lounge, Murman Railway and Brighton Beach [alias] => ffc-pm-04-en-1634 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The competitions of the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus at a glance [fulltext] =>The 31st FilmFestival Cottbus returns to the Cottbus’ cinemas from 2nd to 7th of November and presents 32 films from 26 (co-)production countries in its three competitions feature film, short film and youth film. One of the films will celebrate its world premiere in Cottbus and 26 films their German premiere.
In the Feature Film Competition, twelve films will compete for the main prize of 25,000 euros from the Gesellschaft zur Wahrnehmung von Film- und Fernsehrechten (GWFF), the special prize for the best director (7,500 euros, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg) and the prize for an outstanding acting performance (5,000 euros, Sparkasse Spree-Neiße) along with the coveted prize sculpture LUBINA (Sorbian: the lovely one).
With its diversity of countries, the competition presents the cultural diversity of Eastern Europe. With its artistic range between ironically fractured observation of the present, investigative reappraisal of history and contemplative family study, it shows the genre diversity of current Eastern European cinema - personal and political, hopeful and melancholic. This year we are especially pleased to present many stories by and about women. They fight for their freedom, try to assert themselves in long-established pecking orders or confront their fears. At the same time, veteran directors like Levan Koguashvili or Zrinko Ogresta as well as FFC regulars like Jan P. Matuszyński and Ilgar Najaf meet promising newcomers such as Sonja Tarokić, Norika Sefa or Matevž Luzar, whose film ORCHESTRA, a close-up, distanced milieu study about the culture clash and generation conflict during a visit of a Slovenian brass band to Austria, will have its world premiere at the FFC.
The 31st FilmFestival Cottbus opens with the competition entry ABTEIL NR. 6, by the Finnish star director Juho Kuosmanen, who won several prizes at the Cannes Film Festival. An unconventional love story between a Finnish student and a Russian alcoholic is told in dreamy images.
In addition, with IN LIMBO by Alexander Hant, who is also represented for a second time with an entry in the Short Film Competition, we experience a mixture of "Thelma and Luise" and "Natural Born Killers" in a road movie about two rebellious teenagers. Witness the cover-up attempts in socialist Poland after the death of a high school graduate in a police assault in 1983 in LEAVE NO TRACES by Jan P. Matuszyński, who won two prizes at the FFC in 2016 with THE LAST FAMILY. Search for freedom with two teenage girls in the patriarchal environment of provincial Kosovo in LOOKING FOR VENERA by Norika Sefa. Watch the struggle for survival of failed immigrants from Georgia, Russia and Uzbekistan in New York in the Tribeca Festival winner BRIGHTON 4TH by Levan Koguashvili with Hollywood cinematographer Phedon Papamichael. In SAVING THE ONE WHO WAS DEAD by Václav Kadrnka, we follow the attempt of mother and son to bring their comatose father back to life. Let Ilgar Najaf's SUGHRA AND HER SONS take us with poetic black-and-white images of a Muslim minority in World War II who hide from being drafted into the Red Army because they do not feel obliged to the Soviet Union that confronts them primarily as a representative of Russian interests.
Experience with a young teacher in Sonja Tarokić's THE STAFFROOM that she has to play her own game between intrigues in order to survive in the shark tank of a school. In Cecília Felméri's SPIRAL, between drop-out idyll and nightmare landscape, witness the shattering decay of a human being. In 107 MOTHERS by Peter Kerekes, we follow a new mother into a women's prison in Odessa. And learn gently and sensitively about the fears of three generations of women in Zrinko Ogresta's A BLUE FLOWER.
In the Short Film Competition, eleven films are competing this year for the main prize of 2,500 euros from Druckzone and the special prize for the best director, which is awarded in the amount of 1,500 euros by Tiede+.
From the longing for the freedom of the Berlin techno scene in a Lithuanian prefabricated building in TECHNO MAMA to the failed attempt of a Kazakh policeman in COMRADE POLICEMAN to portray 'his' police as a transparent institution serving the citizens to the bittersweet everyday thriller at a Czech bathing lake in ANATOMY OF A CZECH AFTERNOON, everything is there - between trenchant social anecdote and experimental reflection, the short film proves itself to be an independent genre. with special artistic laws.
Seven films are represented in this year's U18 Youth Film Competition, all of which have hopes of winning the prize for the best youth film, endowed with 5,000 euros by the City of Cottbus.
The films describe very different aspects of the 'coming-of-age process': from fragile friendships to bullying problems to the struggle with the algorithms that increasingly penetrate everyday life, thus giving an overview of the different and yet so similar life worlds of young people in different countries in Eastern Europe.
From two best friends who drift apart during puberty in SISTERHOOD to the portrait of a fragile father-daughter relationship in GERANIUM to the closeted gay existence in an 'LGBT-free zone' in Poland in LOVE TASTING In the U18 Competition Youth Film, emotions run riot and the great urge for freedom calls out again and again. In the trendy-experimental coming-of-age film YOUTH TOPIA, high-tech hippies dance and an algorithm calculate who you are and what you are allowed to do, while in LEAVE THE GROUP an internet mob between Russian hip-hop and graffiti street art incites a teenager to murder. In TRÜBE WOLKEN, a boy without qualities becomes a projection screen for the longings of his fellow human beings, and in TWO SHIPS, a bitter story about love unfolds against the backdrop of the Moravian city of Brno to the beat of hip indie music.
For its 31st edition, the many facets of cinema from Eastern Europe will once again shine in the competitions of the FilmFestival Cottbus. Thanks to the dual version of the FFC, viewers can also enjoy curated festival cinema streaming from home again this year.
Advance ticket sales are on now at filmfestivalcottbus.de and at all Reservix advance sales points. Tickets for the 31st FFC cost between 4.00 EUR and 7.50 EUR. For FFC lovers there are 5-ticket passes and festival passes once again. For the first time, the FFC also offers an online FestivalPass.
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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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[username] => Andrea [email] => a.lenz@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$JBqoyG9OAVgIFjGeBuibBOCujxt7hQYtg0IUGiNJ3IeV2j8jmduDK [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2021-01-07 16:17:46 [lastvisitDate] => 2022-03-02 13:49:03 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/801-andrealenz.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d3f1d44deb80e210c9b622865a09262b?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 10 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => The competitions of the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus at a glance [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/a29f63d5434ec5f210953d95a7c3b8d3_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/a29f63d5434ec5f210953d95a7c3b8d3_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/a29f63d5434ec5f210953d95a7c3b8d3_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/a29f63d5434ec5f210953d95a7c3b8d3_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
Corona-regulation at the 31st FFC
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1632 [title] => Corona-regulation at the 31st FFC [alias] => corona-en-1632 [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => In order for our festival to take place as a presence event despite all the restVorführungenrictions, we depend on your help. For your and our protection, please observe the following rules in all festival cinemas and at the venues of the framework programme: [fulltext] =>Fill out the cinema visit data sheet* per person completely and correctly. You are obliged to hand in the datasheet for EVERY presentation!
- Follow the guidance systems in the venues (floor markings or similar). Please also follow the instructions of our venue staff!
- You will be placed! Please follow the seating instructions of our venue staff in the cinemas of our venues - before and after the presentation!
- Masks are compulsory in all venues (only exception: sitting in the assigned seat in the cinema hall).
- Please comply with the measures to reduce the risk of infection:
- Masks required: Masks are compulsory in all venues (only exception: sitting in the assigned seat in the cinema hall).
- Hand hygiene: Wash your hands thoroughly at regular intervals. Disinfect your hands at the entrance to the venue with the provided disinfectant.
- Cough and sneeze etiquette: Cough and sneeze into the crook of the elbow, turning away from other people.
- Minimum distance: Please keep at least 1.5 metres away from people who are not members of your household. Also, avoid forming groups, follow the wayfinding systems in the venues and the seating instructions in the cinemas.
- Persons with diffuse respiratory symptoms (unless clarified by a doctor, e.g. a cold) are not allowed to attend the event.
- Persons suspected of being infected with the COVID-19 virus are not allowed to attend the event
- Persons who are not willing to comply with the regulations may be refused entry within the scope of the house rules
For the purpose of tracing infections with COVID-19, we must collect the data of every FFC cinema visitor at every performance attended in accordance with the SARS-CoV-2-Umgangsverordnung - SARS-CoV-2-UmgV § 3 of the State of Brandenburg. The data will be used exclusively for this purpose and will not be used elsewhere or passed on to third parties. The data will be kept for four weeks in compliance with data protection regulations. Upon request, in the case of justified suspicion, the data will be released to the responsible health authority. After the retention period has expired, the data is destroyed.
To avoid long queues and waiting times at the entrance, we ask all cinema-goers to fill in the data sheet in advance!
HERE you can download the data sheet for your cinema visit.
Note: The seat can only be added in the cinema on site.
Our FAQ on dealing with Corona at the 31st FFC
The FFC takes place despite Corona. How does that fit together?
We have developed a hygiene concept for the 31st FFC, which is based on the official requirements and has been agreed with the responsible offices of the city of Cottbus. For the health of all of us and for the smooth running of our event, it is important that every visitor and every employee considers and adheres to our measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.
What if I don't want to wear a mask when I enter a festival venue or sit with my friends and not in my assigned seat?
Then, unfortunately, you have to stay outside. Only if everyone sticks to the measures of the hygiene concept can we guarantee a smooth 31st FFC. Anyone who does not adhere to them even after being asked to do so by one of our staff members will be expelled from the house.
But then I'll get the money for my ticket back...
No. Already with the purchase of the ticket, we refer to our measures and our house rules in case of violation. In these cases, there will be no refund of the purchase price.
Why is there no simultaneous translation of the films this year?
Unfortunately, the distribution of headphones is also not possible due to hygiene measures and distance rules to contain the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the movies will have German subtitles, only some of the English.
How does the FFC organise the contact follow-up for each event?
Before attending FFC events, all visitors must enter their contact details in a form that is available HERE (only in German) and drop it in a box at the venue. Please do this for each screening you visit.
What happens to my contact information?
Of course, we stick to the requirements of the data security protection regulation (DSGVO). The contact forms are kept sealed for four weeks and then they are destroyed in accordance with DSGVO.
Subject to changes!
As of: 19.10.2021
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j.gebauer@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$bn3TCA1JMD6iCxO2jncLa.xEWvh2KzfClezNObdpcxSwxq6MLPksq [password_clear] => [block] => 1 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2016-08-15 16:38:01 [lastvisitDate] => 2024-09-03 07:06:11 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","helpsite":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [helpsite] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => 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For your and our protection, please observe the following rules in all festival cinemas and at the venues of the framework programme: [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/97ff5b5c23c82287559552b36b16e270_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/97ff5b5c23c82287559552b36b16e270_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/97ff5b5c23c82287559552b36b16e270_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/97ff5b5c23c82287559552b36b16e270_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )The FestivalMagazine for the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus is here!
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1628 [title] => The FestivalMagazine for the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus is here! [alias] => festivalmagazin-31-ffc-en [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => Our FESTIVALMagazine is online! [fulltext] =>The film programme of the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus is ready and the magazines are printed. If you can't get your hands on it or want to read it right away, you can download a magazine PDF here.
You can find a compact overview of our sections on our website.
[video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-10-18 14:37:49 [created_by] => 802 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-10-18 14:58:38 [modified_by] => 802 [publish_up] => 2021-10-18 11:58:55 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 889 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 45 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 1556 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 [userItemIntroText] => 1 [userItemCategory] => 1 [userItemTags] => 1 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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, 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ZU DEN STERNEN with RangKino
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1618 [title] => ZU DEN STERNEN with RangKino [alias] => rangkino-zu-den-sternen-en [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => On November 20th at 7:00 pm, the RangKino of the Friedrich-Wolf-Theatre in Eisenhüttenstadt will show the film ZU DEN STERNEN by Nicolai Tegeler followed by a film discussion with the director. [fulltext] =>In the GDR, they made music together and were best friends. Then one became famous and the other was arrested. Decades later, the latter wants justice and accuses the successful colleague of spying on him and betraying his escape plans to the Stasi. The dramatic nocturnal debate ends disastrously. ZU DEN STERNEN by Nicolai Tegeler is as entertaining as it is analytical and takes a close look at two former friends and bandmates and their different biographies during and after the division of Germany.
ZU DEN STERNEN is being screened as part of the RangKino project, in which the Verein für Film- und Medienpädagogik (Association for Film and Media Education), in cooperation with the Friedrich-Wolf-Theatre and the FilmFestival Cottbus, has set itself the task of filling the current cinematic void in the city and surrounding area with versatile art-house cinema. The historical and current significance of industry for the city of Eisenhüttenstadt, but also the geographical proximity to Eastern Europe and the reflection of social change in East Germany, is the inspiration and the hook. The cooperation between the association, the theatre and the FilmFestival Cottbus combines core competences developed over many years, which are of utmost importance for this project: While the Friedrich Wolf Theatre is the cultural magnet of its region and knows its audience, can assess the motivations and needs of the residents and build on them, the FilmFestival Cottbus with its expertise on Central and Eastern European culture and film landscape as well as the related topics on social change in East Germany. The film will be followed by a film and audience discussion with the director Nicolai Tegeler.
The event at a glance:
What: ZU DEN STERNEN (Nicolai Tegeler, Germany, 2019, 71 min) and followed by a talk with Nicolai Tegeler
When: 20.11.2021, 7:00 pm
Where: Rangkino, Friedrich-Wolf-Theatre Eisenhüttenstadt
Tickets are available on-site at the Friedrich-Wolf-Theatre Eisenhüttenstadt.Synopsis:
After a concert, successful pop singer Marco Hoffmann's past catches up with him: his ex-bandmate Wolle wants to talk to him. The two had a rock band in the GDR - but while Marco was making a career for himself, Wolle ended up in prison after a failed escape attempt. Even ransomed to the West and after the collapse of the GDR, Wolle couldn't get a leg on the ground. He suspects Marco of having spied on him as an informant. Wolle believes he has found clear evidence in his Stasi file. But Marco denies everything. During a nightly argument, both of them, partly desperate, partly sadistic, take on the role of the interrogated and the interrogator. Are the files telling the truth? Is Wolle psychologically broken? Does the change of system mean a chance for one, but the end for the other? A gripping psychological chamber play, with a twist to a thriller, in which Florian Martens is particularly convincing as an idealist damaged by fate.
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Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Festival sections and thematic overview FilmFestival Cottbus 2021
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1604 [title] => Festival sections and thematic overview FilmFestival Cottbus 2021 [alias] => themenuebersicht-ffc-2021-en [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The 31st FilmFestival Cottbus returns to local cinemas from 2nd to 7th of November and presents its programme of 170 films from 40 (co-)production countries, for the first time, in seven venues and on a total of ten screens. In addition, there will be digital cinema in streaming, parallel to the festival and extended until 16th of November. The festival opens with the competition entry… [fulltext] => [video] => [gallery] => [extra_fields] => [] [extra_fields_search] => [created] => 2021-10-08 15:14:12 [created_by] => 801 [created_by_alias] => [checked_out] => 0 [checked_out_time] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [modified] => 2021-10-08 15:15:21 [modified_by] => 801 [publish_up] => 2021-10-08 15:05:48 [publish_down] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [trash] => 0 [access] => 1 [ordering] => 51 [featured] => 1 [featured_ordering] => 40 [image_caption] => [image_credits] => [video_caption] => [video_credits] => [hits] => 2132 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [enable_css] => 0 [jQueryHandling] => 1.11.3remote [backendJQueryHandling] => remote [userName] => 1 [userImage] => 1 [userDescription] => 1 [userURL] => 1 [userEmail] => 0 [userFeedLink] => 1 [userFeedIcon] => 1 [userItemCount] => 10 [userItemTitle] => 1 [userItemTitleLinked] => 1 [userItemDateCreated] => 1 [userItemImage] => 1 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Α|A, Β|B, Γ|G, Δ|D, Ε|E, Ζ|Z, Η|H, Θ|Th, Ι|I, Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, њ|n, о|o, ӧ|o, ө|o, ӫ|o, ҩ|o, п|p, ҧ|pf, р|p, ҏ|p, с|s, ҫ|s, т|t, ҭ|th, ћ|t, ќ|k, у|u, ў|u, ӳ|u, ӱ|u, ӯ|u, ү|u, ұ|u, ф|f, х|h, ҳ|h, һ|h, ц|ts, ҵ|ts, ч|ch, ӵ|ch, ҷ|ch, ӌ|ch, ҹ|ch, џ|dz, ш|sh, щ|sht, ъ|a, ы|y, ӹ|y, ь|y, ҍ|y, э|e, ӭ|e, ю|yu, я|ya [k2Sef] => 1 [k2SefLabelCat] => content [k2SefLabelTag] => tag [k2SefLabelUser] => author [k2SefLabelSearch] => search [k2SefLabelDate] => date [k2SefLabelItem] => 0 [k2SefLabelItemCustomPrefix] => [k2SefInsertItemId] => 0 [k2SefItemIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseItemTitleAlias] => 1 [k2SefInsertCatId] => 0 [k2SefCatIdTitleAliasSep] => dash [k2SefUseCatTitleAlias] => 1 [show_page_heading] => [categories] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [menu_text] => 1 [menu_show] => 1 [secure] => 0 [page_title] => News [page_description] => FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival des osteuropäischen Films. 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Lenz [username] => Andrea [email] => a.lenz@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$JBqoyG9OAVgIFjGeBuibBOCujxt7hQYtg0IUGiNJ3IeV2j8jmduDK [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2021-01-07 16:17:46 [lastvisitDate] => 2022-03-02 13:49:03 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/801-andrealenz.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d3f1d44deb80e210c9b622865a09262b?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 10 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => The 31st FilmFestival Cottbus returns to local cinemas from 2nd to 7th of November and presents its programme of 170 films from 40 (co-)production countries, for the first time, in seven venues and on a total of ten screens. In addition, there will be digital cinema in streaming, parallel to the festival and extended until 16th of November. The festival opens with the competition entry… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => [K2BeforeDisplayContent] => [K2AfterDisplayContent] => ) [jcfields] => Array ( ) [_slb] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/081844b8a29c886d25746ccb5304f59d_slb.jpg [_slt] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/081844b8a29c886d25746ccb5304f59d_slt.jpg [_mod] => https://www.filmfestivalcottbus.de/media/k2/items/cache/081844b8a29c886d25746ccb5304f59d_mod.jpg [image] => /media/k2/items/cache/081844b8a29c886d25746ccb5304f59d_L.jpg [imageWidth] => 800 )
LANGE NACH DER SCHLACHT - Kick-off for the novinki seminar
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1601 [title] => LANGE NACH DER SCHLACHT - Kick-off for the novinki seminar [alias] => auftakt-novinki-seminar-en [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The opening film evening for the seminar Film Expeditions in Eastern Europe - Film Critical Writing (novinki seminar) will show the documentary film "LANGE NACH DER SCHLACHT" by Eduard Schreiber and Regine Kühn on 21st of October at the Kino Krokodil in the run-up to the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival of Eastern European Film cooperating with the media library of the Institute for Eastern… [fulltext] =>The documentary follows the stay and departure of Soviet soldiers from the military base near Jüterbog in Brandenburg for four years (1991-1994). More than 20,000 soldiers and officers of the Soviet army were stationed there after the Second World War. Now, everything is under the sign of the withdrawal. The film follows the unique transformation period, which entails complex processes of change on several levels. The barracks buildings formerly used by soldiers now temporarily house a group of Russian-German resettlers. With the help of various characters, the long-term documentary creates a multi-voiced picture that impressively captures the individual biographies in and around the "Altes Lager" garrison. The film tells, among other things, of Oksana, who as the wife of the helicopter pilot organises the first women's protests in the Soviet army, of Mikhail, the fighter pilot who later returns to southern Russia and, last but not least, of Kulturoffizier, who deserts and works as a rubbish sorter in Bavaria.
The following will take part in the film discussion: FFC programme director Bernd Buder, Rainer Ackermann (producer) and Fritz Hartthaler (executive producer). The discussion will be moderated by Irine Beridze (FU Berlin).
As part of this cooperation project, the seminar Film Expeditions in Eastern Europe - Film Critical Writing (novinki seminar) will be offered in the coming winter semester, aimed at students interested in Eastern European film and film critical writing. The seminar is led by Irine Beridze (FU Berlin) and PD Dr. Brigitte Obermayr (University of Potsdam).
The event at a glance:
Film: LANGE NACH DER SCHLACHT (Director: Eduard Schreiber and Regine Kühn, DE, 1995, 16 mm colour, 221 min., OmdU)Date: 21 st of October 2021
Location: Kino Krokodil (Greifenhagener Str. 32, 10437 Berlin)Time: 7.00 p.m.
Admission: 10,00 EUR, concessions 8,00 EUR (students / Berlin Pass)Note: 3G proof (vaccinated, tested or recovered) is required for the performance!
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/en/about-en/news-en.html ) [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/auftakt-novinki-seminar-en.html [printLink] => /en/about-en/news-en/auftakt-novinki-seminar-en.html?tmpl=component&print=1 [imageXSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde_XS.jpg [imageSmall] => /media/k2/items/cache/9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde_S.jpg [imageMedium] => /media/k2/items/cache/9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde_M.jpg [imageLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde_L.jpg [imageXLarge] => /media/k2/items/cache/9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde_XL.jpg [imageGeneric] => /media/k2/items/cache/9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde_Generic.jpg [imageProperties] => stdClass Object ( [filenamePrefix] => 9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde [pathPrefix] => /media/k2/items/cache/9b4b83db49346e5b15829e01f450dbde ) [rawTitle] => LANGE NACH DER SCHLACHT - Kick-off for the novinki seminar [author] => Joomla\CMS\User\User Object ( [isRoot:protected] => [id] => 801 [name] => Andrea Lenz [username] => Andrea [email] => a.lenz@filmfestival-cottbus.de [password] => $2y$10$JBqoyG9OAVgIFjGeBuibBOCujxt7hQYtg0IUGiNJ3IeV2j8jmduDK [password_clear] => [block] => 0 [sendEmail] => 0 [registerDate] => 2021-01-07 16:17:46 [lastvisitDate] => 2022-03-02 13:49:03 [activation] => [params] => {"admin_style":"","admin_language":"","language":"","editor":"","timezone":""} [groups] => Array ( [8] => 8 ) [guest] => 0 [lastResetTime] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [resetCount] => 0 [requireReset] => 0 [_params:protected] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [admin_style] => [admin_language] => [language] => [editor] => [timezone] => ) [initialized:protected] => 1 [separator] => . ) [_authGroups:protected] => [_authLevels:protected] => [_authActions:protected] => [_errorMsg:protected] => [userHelper:protected] => Joomla\CMS\User\UserWrapper Object ( ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) [otpKey] => [otep] => [authProvider] => [link] => /en/about-en/news-en/author/801-andrealenz.html [avatar] => https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/d3f1d44deb80e210c9b622865a09262b?s=100&default=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.filmfestivalcottbus.de%2Fcomponents%2Fcom_k2%2Fimages%2Fplaceholder%2Fuser.png [profile] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 10 [gender] => m [description] => [image] => [url] => [group] => 1 [plugins] => ) ) [text] => The opening film evening for the seminar Film Expeditions in Eastern Europe - Film Critical Writing (novinki seminar) will show the documentary film "LANGE NACH DER SCHLACHT" by Eduard Schreiber and Regine Kühn on 21st of October at the Kino Krokodil in the run-up to the 31st FilmFestival Cottbus - Festival of Eastern European Film cooperating with the media library of the Institute for Eastern… [event] => stdClass Object ( [BeforeDisplay] => [AfterDisplay] => [AfterDisplayTitle] => [BeforeDisplayContent] => [AfterDisplayContent] => [K2BeforeDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplay] => [K2AfterDisplayTitle] => 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Between cinema seat and living room couch
stdClass Object ( [id] => 1599 [title] => Between cinema seat and living room couch [alias] => ffc-pm-03-en-news [catid] => 1 [published] => 1 [introtext] => The 31st FilmFestival Cottbus presents the latest from Eastern Europe in cinemas and via streaming [fulltext] =>The 31st FilmFestival Cottbus returns to local cinemas from 2nd to 7th of November and presents its 170-film programme, for the first time, in seven venues and on a total of ten screens. In addition, there is digital cinema in streaming, parallel to the festival and extended until the 16th of November. In addition to the four competitions and traditional programme sections, the 31st FFC will highlight current Slovakian cinema, the Turkish film landscape and the transformation processes after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The 31st FilmFestival Cottbus (02-07.11.2021) will - after a year's physical break - once again become a place of encounters, a place to experience the magic of Central and Eastern European film, a place for social and political debate, or simply a place to enjoy an extraordinary cinema experience with friends and family. This year, the audience has the opportunity to enjoy the FFC programme either in the unique atmosphere of one of the seven Cottbus' venues - Cottbus State Theatre, Weltspiegel, Glad-House, Kammerbühne, Altes Stadthaus, Großer Hörsaal der BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and Planetarium - and to engage in conversation with the filmmakers or to stream selected films in the comfort of their own homes until 16th of November.
The 31st festival edition features 170 films. Alongside the four competitions, the FFC celebrates the 100th anniversary of cinema in Slovakia, deals with the personal consequences of perestroika as well as the political upheavals after the collapse of the Soviet Union and discovers the multifaceted richness of the current Turkish film landscape. Traditionally, the programme represents the diversity of Eastern European cinema - from arthouse cinema to blockbusters, from film classics to interactive film games.
Advance ticket sales start on 18.10.2021 at filmfestivalcottbus.de and at all Reservix advance sales points. Tickets for the 31st FFC cost between 4.00 EUR and 7.50 EUR. For FFC lovers there are 5-ticket passes and festival passes once again. For the first time, the FFC also offers an online FestivalPass.
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Κ|K, Λ|L, Μ|M, Ξ|X, Ο|O, Π|P, Ρ|R, Σ|S, Τ|T, Υ|Y, Φ|F, Χ|Ch, Ψ|Ps, Ω|W, ά|a, έ|e, ή|h, ί|i, ό|o, ύ|y, ώ|w, Ά|A, Έ|E, Ή|H, Ί|I, Ό|O, Ύ|Y, Ώ|W, ϊ|i, ΐ|i, ϋ|y, ς|s, А|A, Ӑ|A, Ӓ|A, Ә|E, Ӛ|E, Ӕ|E, Б|B, В|V, Г|G, Ґ|G, Ѓ|G, Ғ|G, Ӷ|G, y|Y, Д|D, Е|E, Ѐ|E, Ё|YO, Ӗ|E, Ҽ|E, Ҿ|E, Є|YE, Ж|ZH, Ӂ|DZH, Җ|ZH, Ӝ|DZH, З|Z, Ҙ|Z, Ӟ|DZ, Ӡ|DZ, Ѕ|DZ, И|I, Ѝ|I, Ӥ|I, Ӣ|I, І|I, Ї|JI, Ӏ|I, Й|Y, Ҋ|Y, Ј|J, К|K, Қ|Q, Ҟ|Q, Ҡ|K, Ӄ|Q, Ҝ|K, Л|L, Ӆ|L, Љ|L, М|M, Ӎ|M, Н|N, Ӊ|N, Ң|N, Ӈ|N, Ҥ|N, Њ|N, О|O, Ӧ|O, Ө|O, Ӫ|O, Ҩ|O, П|P, Ҧ|PF, Р|P, Ҏ|P, С|S, Ҫ|S, Т|T, Ҭ|TH, Ћ|T, Ќ|K, У|U, Ў|U, Ӳ|U, Ӱ|U, Ӯ|U, Ү|U, Ұ|U, Ф|F, Х|H, Ҳ|H, Һ|H, Ц|TS, Ҵ|TS, Ч|CH, Ӵ|CH, Ҷ|CH, Ӌ|CH, Ҹ|CH, Џ|DZ, Ш|SH, Щ|SHT, Ъ|A, Ы|Y, Ӹ|Y, Ь|Y, Ҍ|Y, Э|E, Ӭ|E, Ю|YU, Я|YA, а|a, ӑ|a, ӓ|a, ә|e, ӛ|e, ӕ|e, б|b, в|v, г|g, ґ|g, ѓ|g, ғ|g, ӷ|g, y|y, д|d, е|e, ѐ|e, ё|yo, ӗ|e, ҽ|e, ҿ|e, є|ye, ж|zh, ӂ|dzh, җ|zh, ӝ|dzh, з|z, ҙ|z, ӟ|dz, ӡ|dz, ѕ|dz, и|i, ѝ|i, ӥ|i, ӣ|i, і|i, ї|ji, Ӏ|i, й|y, ҋ|y, ј|j, к|k, қ|q, ҟ|q, ҡ|k, ӄ|q, ҝ|k, л|l, ӆ|l, љ|l, м|m, ӎ|m, н|n, ӊ|n, ң|n, ӈ|n, ҥ|n, 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