Section: Feature Film Competition



Assel Aushakimova,
KAZ/FR/NO, 2024, 100 Min

 Caught between two stools: Dina has made a name for herself as a television reporter; being a journalist in an authoritarian state is an ambivalent role however. The content of her reports is beyond absurd. And yet demonstrating for freedom of expression and women's rights, as her younger sister does, is extremely dangerous.

#feature #political #female voices


2024-11-05 | 21:00
Weltspiegel Großer Saal
2024-11-07 | 13:30
Weltspiegel Großer Saal

The eponymous "bikechess", praised on state television as a new invention, is typical of the meaningless topics that Dina reports on in her role as reporter. The job was her childhood dream, gives her access to influential social circles and yet feels increasingly vapid. Just like the affair with her married colleague and the advances of ageing officials. And yet her lesbian sister's political activism also seems doomed to failure in a country that, in this film, comes across like the Soviet Union with a new coat of paint – omnipresent corruption and authoritarian structures, freedom of the press and of expression that only exist on paper, and violence against women is tolerated as normal. Foregoing outward theatrics, Dina tries to maintain her integrity in the face of the conflicting interests she is confronted by, her real feelings often only visible in the subtle facial expressions of actress Saltanat Nauruz. Taking the example of journalist who is thwarted and trapped in empty, fake activity as a means of illustration, director Assel Aushakimova manages to say a great deal about the political situation in an autocracy, and the price that men (and especially women) pay for rebellion or the act of simply standing up for what they believe in.

Text: Susanne Stern     

05.11.2024 | 21:00 | Weltspiegel Großer Saal (original version with English and German subtitles)

07.11.2024 | 13:30 | Weltspiegel Großer Saal (original version with English and German subtitles)


Assel Aushakimova
Aidar Ospanov
Frédéric Le Louêt
Alanté Kavaïté
Saltanat Nauruz, Assel Abdimavlenova, Shyngys Beibituly, Duisenbek Sydykbekov.
Antoine Simkine
Les Films d'Antoine
Alma Films / Maipo Film
Assel Aushakimova,

Assel Aushakimova, - Assel is a Kazakh director, screenwriter and producer. Assel graduated from the International Film Business Academy of the Busan Asian Film School in 2021. She is Berlinale Talents alumna. Assel has just finished the post-production of her second feature film BIKECHESS (Kazakhstan-France-Norway). It was awarded Works in Progress award at industry section of Karlovy Vary IFF 2023. This film was supported by Biennale College Cinema of Venice IFF, Sorfond (Norway) and CNC (France). Her first feature film WELCOME TO THE USA had its world premiere at AFI Fest 2019 (New Auteurs). This is the first Kazakh feature film with the protagonist from the LGBTQ community. It was awarded Grand Jury Prize as Best International Narrative Feature of NewFest New York’s LGBTQ Film Festival 2020 and was screened at many international Queer film festivals.

Assel directed, wrote and produced three short films that participated in Uppsala Short Film Festival, Cottbus FilmFestival, PÖFF Shorts, GoEast, Jogja NETPAC and other festivals. Her recent short film COMRADE POLICEMAN was awarded Special Prize in the Short Film Competition of Cottbus FilmFestival.

Assel participated in Eastern Promises of Karlovy Vary IFF 2023, Biennale College Cinema of Venice IFF 2020, Connecting Cottbus 2021, Meetings on the Bridge 2021, BOAT Meeting 2020, Script POOL Tallinn 2018 and Eurasia spotlight 2017 (special mention of the jury).