Vorfilm von: THE LAST SPARK OF HOPE (Piotr Biedroń, PL 2023, 88 min)
05.11.2024 | 21:30 | Obenkino (OmeU)
10.11.2024 | 15:00 | Stadthalle (OmeU + Simultanübersetzung)
Bogusz Max Zelech, Piotr Mekarski
Bogusz Max Zelech
Patryk Petersson
Przemek Krezel, Bogusz Max Zelech
Patryk Petersson
Agata Golanska
Polish National Film School in Lodz
Bogusz Max Zelech - Born in 1999 in Szczecin. Graduate of the Constantin Brancusi State High School of Fine Arts in Szczecin. Currently a student at the Polish National Film School on Łódź at the animation and special effects department. He has been working with film and animation since 2016, in addition, he is involved in graphics, design, set design, photography and music. He is currently working on his own films and collaborating on animated series with GS, EgoFilm and Animoon studios.