Pola Kazak's short animation, using the unique technique of oil painting on glass, serves as a powerful allegory about our fear of the unknown and our tendency to preserve the world as we know it at any cost. The film was part of the La Cinef competition at Cannes this year.
Text: Lenka Tyrpakova
06.11.2024 | 16:00 | Stadthalle (original version with English subtitles + simultaneous translation into German)
10.11.2024 | 18:00 | Kammerbühne (original version with English subtitles + simultaneous translation into German)
Pola Kazak
Jakub Lojda
Mirek Šmilauer (Polka)
Art Design/Animation: Pola Kazak
Sergey Cheremisinov
Pola Kazak - POLA KAZAK* 1986, Kursk, Russia. Since 2004, she studied audiovisual production at the Moscow University of Arts and Culture, where she focused on documentary production and photography. In 2010, she moved to the Czech Republic and began studying at the Miroslav Ondříček Film Academy in Písek, first majoring in documentary production, but after the first year she switched to the animation studio. During her studies, she focused on cartoon, 2D and multiplane animation. At the same time, she worked as a graphic artist and draftsman. She defended her bachelor‘s degree with the short film Toro!, basedon Pablo Picasso‘s line drawings illustrating bullfights. As an animator, she participated in several films where she applied her experience with multiplane – The Crossing (dir. Florence Miailhe, oil painting, 2018) or Kafka. In Love (dir. Zane Oborenko, sand animation, 2024).