Willy pretends to be ill in order to avoid math class. On noticing two sparrows not far from his window he shoots at them with his slingshot. Verbena, the guardian of the sparrows, notices what's going on and, as a form of corrective punishment, proceeds to transform him into one of those birds. Forced to hold his own in this new guise, Willy receives support from the inquisitive sparrow Cibur, who teaches him to fly in exchange for reading lessons. In the process Willy comes not only to appreciate, but even to treasure his fellow creatures. AB
DVD | Anim. | Farbe / colour
József Gémes, József Nepp
Lossonczy Árpád, Nemes Erzsébet, Varga György
László Kiss, András Imre Nyerges, Béla Zsebényi
Pethő Zsolt
Deutsche Kinemathek
- Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Potsdamer Straße 2 D 10785 Berlin
Tel.: +49.30.300.90 30
József Gémes - born 1939 in Budapest, Hungary, died in 2013 ibidem. He was an animated cartoon artist, director and screenwriter. Between 1961 and 1966 he studies Applied Art and started as cartoon artist at Pannonia Film Studio in 1965. His films were awarded at several film festivals – Chicago and Krakow among others. AB
KONCERTISSZIMO (1968, short, anim)
HUGÓ, A VÍZILÓ (1976, anim)
DALIÁS IDÖK (1984, anim)
VACAK, AZ ERDŐ HŐSE (1997, anim)