Section: Homeland | Domownja | Domizna

Glück auf, Schwarze Pumpe

Good luck, Schwarze Pumpe

Dagobert Loewenberg
GDR, 1958, 6 Min

Cineastic report about the construction works at gas combine “Schwarze Pumpe”.

Deutsche Kinemathek - Museum für Film und Fernsehen

The film pursues the construction of the GDR showcase project from groundbreaking on for two years – in the style of DEFA eyewitness report. GL

35mm | s/w / b/w
DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme
Deutsche Kinemathek
- Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin
Tel.: + 030

Dagobert Loewenberg - born 1929 in Berlin, died 2006 ibidem. He was an actor as well as screenwriter. Together with his wife Renate Loewenberg he produced numerous reports on behalf of the GDR television.

DIE ERSTE ETAPPE (1959, short, doc)
KENNT IHR PAULCHEN? (1963, short, doc)
SCMUTZIGER KRIEG (1965, short, doc)
DIE GROSSE REISE (1965, short, doc)
DIE STÜRMER (1967, short, doc)
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