Lacking the necessary funds to pay the deposit for a flat, Elfie inadvertently ends up making the acquaintance of the young Pole Marius, who leads her further into the criminal underground. Around the same time Elfie also encounters Edmund, who was left behind by his parents when they fled to the West. OSTKREUZ paints an authentic portrait of Berlin in the immediate aftermath of the fall of the wall. CR
DVD | Farbe / colour
Michael Klier, Karin Aström
Sophie Maintigneux
Klaus Klingler
Bettina Böhler
Fred Frith
Laura Tonke, Miroslaw Baka, Suzanne von Borsody, Stefan Cammann, Gustav Barwicki, Henry Marcinkowski
Michael Klier
Michael Klier Film Berlin
Deutsche Kinemathek
- Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin
Tel.: + 030
Michael Klier - born 1943 in Karlsbad. Educated as scene painter, he started to study Philosophy and History at Free Universit Berlin in 1969 and was professional football player for a while. His work comprises documentary and feature films as well as cinematographic portraits. He is screenwriter and lecturer for directing at German Film Academies.
HEIDI M. (2001)
FARLAND (2004)