This animated film was extracted from a fifty-two part TV series, in turn based upon the renowned literary template of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The little prince explores twenty-six planets; in the process he discovers entirely new worlds and experiences captivating adventures. In the featured double-episode he finds himself on the planet of the wind. There the local population is troubled by the fact that the planet is repeatedly beset by dangerous calms that have the delirious effect of contributing towards the gradual freezing over of the planet. Whose fault is it that the wind appears to be dying away? Can the little prince help?
HD | 3D | Farbe / colour
Karen Thilo, Martin Frei-Borchers, frei nach der literarischen Vorlage von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Stéphane Reichart
Animation: Méthod Animation
Frédéric Talgorn
Sprecher: Timmo Niessner, Annett Louisan,Olaf Reichmann, Volker Lechtenbrink
éthod Animation/Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (France), ARD
6, Rue Galilée,
75116, Paris, France
Tel: + 33.1.8364-3464
Pierre-Alain Chartier - born 1969. Studied at the Émile Cohl art academy in Lyon. Served as art director for Luc Besson’s THE FIFTH ELEMENT. Founder of okidoki, has produced video games and animated films. Co-directed the 3d series Freefonix (2006).
LE PETIT PRINCE (2011, anim., TV)