Section: Homeland | Domownja | Domizna

اذهب للسباحة

Baden gehen

Matthias Heine & Clemens Schiesko
DE, 2023, 30 Min

Tragicomedy at the bathing lake. A group of refugees goes swimming. A few Germans on the beach don't like it. Others just watch.


Block I

The film "Going swimming" tells a story based on a true incident. Four young refugees who are on a bathing trip in their "new home" get into trouble in the middle of the lake. They ask other people for help.

The film raises important questions about the recent past, the present and the future. How do we want to deal with each other and how do we want to live together? The work was made without any funding or budget and was shot by all participants in their free time in Cottbus and the surrounding area.

Matthias Heine
Clemens Schiesko
Norbert Mannigel, Clemens Schiesko
Clemens Schiesko
Stefan Friedrich
Laura Maria Hänsel, Philipp Gärtner
Clemens Schiesko
Matthias Heine & Clemens Schiesko

Matthias Heine & Clemens Schiesko - Clemens Schiesko arbeitet seit 2010 als freischaffender Künstler in den Bereichen Film, Fotografie und Grafik. Bis heute hat er in all diesen Bereichen bereits zahlreiche (bewegte) Bilder geschaffen und publiziert. Dabei decken seine Werke vielfältige Gestaltungsformen und Konzepte für unterschiedliche Branchen ab.


Matthias Heine was born in Cottbus in 1979. After graduating from high school, he studied social education and cultural management. The deputy theatre director of the Piccolo Theatre Cottbus works there as a theatre pedagogue, actor and director. He has been running the theatre's youth club for 17 years and in this capacity has received the German Amateur Theatre Award three times, the Brandenburg Youth Culture Award in 2012 and the Federal Theatre Award in 2019 (for the Piccolo Theatre and the production "KRG."). He has also been invited with various works to the Federal Meeting of Youth Clubs at Theatres (most recently in 2022 with "stolpern"), to the Theatertreffen der Jugend (Berliner Festspiele - 2020 "Die Verdunkelung" and 2022 with "stolpern") and to the AUGENBLICK MAL Festival (most recently in 2022 with "Die Verdunkelung II"). Heine is also a regular author, together with Udo Tiffert and Daniel Ratthei, of the Lesebühne Cottbus, which he and Tiffert founded in 2009. Here the authors meet a loyal audience every month. Most of his texts are written for the reading stage, the Piccolo Theatre and the film. In November 2021, he received a main prize and an advancement prize in the "Brandenburg Dialogues" literary competition organised by the Hans Otto Theatre. He has always realised his film works together with Clemens Schiesko (2012 "Holger & Hanna") and (2023 "Baden gehen"). Matthias Heine is the father of a three-year-old daughter.

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