Section: What´s left?

De schatten van de Krim


Oeke Hoogendijk
NL, 2021, 82 Min

Stateless Art. In 2014, the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam exhibits artefacts excavated in Crimea. Whilst the collection is on display in the Netherlands, Russia annexes Crimea. To whom should these art treasures be returned? Who owns the art, who owns the culture?

Initially, the works of art and antique weapons loaned from regional museums in Crimea for the travelling exhibition “Crimea – Gold and Secrets of the Black Sea” disappear into the museum’s basement in Amsterdam. A legal tug-of-war begins; both Ukraine and the Crimean museums insist that the artefacts are part of "their" cultural heritage. Valentina Mordvintseva, archaeologist and curator of the Crimean museums, and Ludmila Strokova, director of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine, dispute whether the excavations are matters of regional or national cultural heritage. With each exchange of ideas and each new argument in the litigation that follows the case becomes more complex. While museum directors complain about gaps in their collections, Dutch courtrooms go beyond mere questions of ownership. Instead, they are also interested in whose cultural identity the archaeological finds, ones that were made long before the founding of today's nation states, belong to: Ukrainian, Russian, regional, supranational?

Glad-House/Obenkino: Original version with english subtitles

Gregor Meerman, Sander Snoep
Mark Wessner, Marc Lizier
Gys Zevenbergen
Alex Simu
Frank van den Engel
Oeke Hoogendijk

Oeke Hoogendijk - Oeke Hoogendijk (1961) is an internationally acclaimed documentary maker. She studied stage direction at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht (1990) and made her debut with her film documentary The Saved(1998), which won the Dutch Academy Award “Het Gouden Beeld” of 1998 and the “Euro-Comenius Award” in Vienna (1999). Her second film, The Holocaust Experience (2002),had its premiere during IDFA 2002 and was selected for several festivals in Europe and the US.Hoogendijk specializes in documentaries about art. They are often long-running projects with a cinematographic approach that involves capturing the content as much as possible in scenes.

The Saved (1998)
The Holocaust Experience (2002)
The New Rijksmuseum eps. I & 2 (2008)
The New Rijksmuseum eps. 3 & 4 (2013)
The New Rijksmuseum – The Film (2014)
Marten & Oopjen, Portrait of a Marriage (2019)
My Rembrandt (2019)
Housewitz (2021)
The Treasures of Crimea (2021)