In Poland so-called “Kinoteatr” has a long tradition: filmings of theatrical plays, mostly commissioned by television stations. It's about more than simply setting up a camera in front of the stage however; camera angles, lighting and stage design are all planned as if for the big screen. Lech Mackiewicz's theatre-film hybrid, an independent production, was captured in only four days. In the process actor and theatre director Mackiewicz was ably assisted by a youthful ensemble, as well as the camerawork of Andrzej Szulkowski, previously director of photography for several Wojtek Smarzowski films, and the music of film composer Włodek Pawlik in this pointed work of theatre from Cottbus' Polish sister city of Zielona Góra about three friends who, in the process of growing up, don't always have things their own way.
The film is presented by the Kozzi Film Festiwal Ziolona Góra.
Elaa Mastas (Lech Mackiewicz)
Andrzej Szulkowski
Honza Polivka
Entropia ensemble, P.M. Walewski, W.Pawlik
Alicja Stasiewicz, James Malcolm, Radosław Walenda, Aleksander Stasiewicz, Robert Kuraś, Romana Filipowska
Film Cyfrowy
Lech Mackiewicz
Lech Mackiewicz -