Lukas embarks on a search and finds not only answers to questions that have secretly moved him for a long time, but also uncovers old secrets in the past. AUF DER SUCHE is staged as a point-and-click adventure, widely considered one of the oldest computer game genres. Since the controls are simple and intuitive players don't require a lot of time in order to adapt. Film sequences help to move the narrative forward and also introduce the levels. Each level consists of "video backdrops"; more than 350 of these were recorded in real life and subsequently broken down into loop sequences and filled with so-called hotspots. Different objects can be picked up and combined in the course the game. Each chapter contains little puzzles that have to be solved in order for the story to continue.
Erik Schiesko's interactive film project, created in collaboration with the Lausitzer Rundschau, was shot in 2014/2015 and premiered at the FFC in 2016. As the technical conditions were less advanced then than they are today, it was only possible to make the game available online, complete with a newer "engine", in 2021. (Source:
1:2.35 [Cinemascope]
Erik Schiesko (Game, Videokulissen, Zwischeneinspieler Jetzt) Natalia Oglanova (Rückblenden)
Erik Schiesko, Sebastian Wiesner
5.1 Digital
Leander Linz, Vanessa Jordan-Heinrich
Lausitzer Rundschau
KonturPROJEKT Filmproduktion
Erik Schiesko
Erik Schiesko -