Niels is fed up to the back teeth: Stuttgart 21, the compilation of biometric data, nuclear power stations, corruption, unrestrained capitalism; the depravity of it all really grates him. He thus decides to turn his back on the Federal Republic of Germany, without however actually leaving the country. Together with Christian Darré and a handful of allies he establishes a state of his own on Berlin's doorstep, complete with its very own ministers and ideology: "We want a state in which each and every individual assumes full responsibility for society".
This self-governing commune doesn't long go unnoticed. Alongside the external pressure and resentment, matters also come to a head from within, since it would appear that some are more equal than others. Niels quickly abandons his ideals of democracy and pacifism, revealing instead an autocratic style of leadership characterised by mistrust, anger and the pursuit of omnipotence. (Catalogue Film Festival Max Ophüls Preis 2013)
DCP | Farbe / colour
Moritz Laube, Verena Veihl
Frank Blau
Stefan Gollhardt, Marko Weichler
Nora Grabowski
Philippe Glandien
Aljoscha Stadelmann, Matthias Bundschuh, Stephan Grossmann, Henrike von Kuick, Bruno Cathomas, Klaas Heufer-Umlauf u.a.
Moritz Laube Film
Zischlermann filmproduktion GmbH
Alexandrinenstr. 4
10969 Berlin
Tel: +49.30. 5770975 – 20
Fax: +49.030. 5770975 – 29
Moritz Laube - – born 1979 in Frankfurt am Main. Has worked as a freelance editor for the likes of Wim Wenders, Pepe Danquart and Detlev Buck. Studied directing from 2001-2012 at the German Film and Television Academy Berlin. His feature film LAND OF THE FREE celebrated its debut at the Film Festival Max Ophüls Preis.
ZEPP (2006, short)
UNTER MIETERN (2012, short)