Based on Noël Carroll's film theory classic of the same name, "The Philosophy of Horror" is divided into eight chapters. Starting with the origin of the word horror, it explores the effects of the genre on the emotions and ends up in a search for the reasons for the primeval human fascination with horror. All the while people dissolve on the screen, in a manner akin to the film strips drawn and painted by the ravages of time, thus setting a process of perception in motion that blurs the boundaries between self and other, human and non-human, as well as body and nature. The technique comes from the experimental film pioneer Stan Brakhage, who mostly limited himself to films which were but a few minutes long. Peter Lichter and Bori Mate succeed in captivating viewers with purely cinematic means as opposed to classic narrative strategies. The result is a bewitchingly beautiful symphony of horror. JJ
based on The Philosophy of Horror by Noël Carroll
Péter Lichter
Ádám Márton Horváth
Dora Nedeczky
Péter Lichter, Bori Máté -