In seemingly unrelated episodes, Paweł Maślona's debut film unveils a glimpse of the moment when secrets threaten to become public – we lose ground, our entire world is turned upside down, and a panic attack overpowers us. The tragic finds its way through the episodic structure to the comical and dissolves in the grotesque. Although PANIC ATTACK has clear parallels to Damián Szifron's WILD TALES, the razor-sharp sense of humour cuts deeper through the society depicted here. Cinematographer Cezary Stolecki delivers crystal-clear as well as sharp-edged images. The electronic score of the composer JIMEK continues to heat up the atmosphere and drives Agnieszka Glińska's cut to an accelerated rhythm, which makes every heartbeat beat faster. And you never know when it catches you. Don’t panic! RB
DCP | Farbe / Colour
Paweł Maślona, Aleksandra Pisula, Bartłomiej Kotschedoff
Cezary Stolecki
Kacper Habisiak, Marcin Kasiński, Jarosław Bajdowski, Grzegorz Kucharski
Elwira Pluta
Dorota Segda, Artur Żmijewski, Nicolas Bro, Magdalena Popławska, Grzegorz Damięcki, Julia Wyszyńska, Aleksandra Pisula
Plan Zet
New Europe Film Sales
Jan Naszewski
Czerniakowska 73/79
00718 Warsaw
+48 600 173 205
Paweł Maślona - born in 1983 in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland. He studied at the Faculty of Radio and Television of the Silesian University Katowice. PANIC ATTACK is his feature film debut, for which he has received several awards – as well as for his graduation film MAGMA. He is currently working on his second feature film.
ZAĆMIENIE (2011, short)
MAGMA (2013, short)
MĄŻ CYZ NIE MĄŻ (2015, TV series)