Section: Retrospective

musik-clip sandow: stille invasion musik-clip skeptiker: jajaja

SANDOW music clip: silent invasion skeptiker music clip: yeahyeahyeah

Marco Kirchhoff, Falko Korth
, , 2 Min
Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen „Konrad Wolf“

The legendary underground band Sandow, from Cottbus-Sandow, left their mark on the period surrounding German unification with their experimental punk music. Another insiders' tip from the punk scene of the time was the band Die Skeptiker. A look at some of the first music clips from the GDR.

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HFF „Konrad Wolf“
Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen „Konrad Wolf“
Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11
14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg
Tel: +49.331.620 25 64
Fax: +49.331.620 25 69

Marco Kirchhoff, Falko Korth -