Section: POLSKIE HORYZONTY: The Female Gaze



Arseny Zanin, Mikhail Arkhipov, Denis Shabaev
Russia, 2017, 75 Min

100 years on: how do young filmmakers from Russia reflect today on the October Revolution and its symbols? What sense is one to make of history and utopia when all that remains of the "New Man" are myths and new wars are now there to be won? An episodic essay.

New People Film Company

Arseny Zanin, Mikhail Arkhipov and Denis Shabaev visit both the archives of revolutionary film and the conflict zone in the Donbass: did the October Revolution represent the prelude to a large-scale social experiment or a historical tragedy? The enthusiasm triggered by the revolution inspired directors such as Sergei Eisenstein and Oleksandr Dovzhenko, as well as future generations of filmmakers such as Jean-Luc Godard.

Despite the subsequent appearance of totalitarian systems constructed in the name of the October Revolution its symbols have refused to go away, in turn assisting in the process of elevating the events of 1917 to the status of legend. The three constituent elements of this film take us on a journey from the fiery pathos of early Bolshevism's constructivist films to the rebirth of the cult of Lenin in modern day "Novorossiya". The masses' enthusiasm is sustained by the seizure and retention of power, or is this contention itself nothing but a propaganda fabrication? BB

DCP | Farbe / colour & s/w / b/w
Arseny Zanin, Nataliya Umanskaya, Denis Shabaev
Aleksandr Burov, Irina Shatalova
Iliya Martiyanov, Oleg Pertsovsky
Arseny Zanin, Nataliya Umanskaya, Denis Shabaev
Nikita Kukushkyn, Miroslav Rogach, Aleksandr Zaslavskiy, Arkhip Petrov
Nataliya Morkitskaya
New People Film Company
New People Film Company
Nataliya Morkitskaya
Brusov Lane 2/14/74
21474 Moscow
+ 83

Arseny Zanin, Mikhail Arkhipov, Denis Shabaev -  

Arseny Zanin – He is a graduate of the St. Petersburg school of cinema, a modern artist and art critic. His recent work is an installation dedicated to the artists of the collaborative St. Petersburg group “Pushkinskaya-10”.

Mikhail Arkhipov – He is a graduate of the St. Petersburg School of Cinema. He previously had a military career and is an engineer of space stations by training.

Denis Shabaev – He graduated from the Marina Razbezhkina and Mikhail Ugarov School of Documentary Film and Documentary Theatre in 2013. His documentary films were awarded at GoEast Festival in Wiesbaden and Kinotavr Open Russian Film Festival in Sochi.