Moje córki krowy
These Daughters of Mine
Who hasn't come across him, the narcissistic overbearing father, so self-absorbed that the needs of his wife and children occur as nothing more than an afterthought? And woe betide the children if they should have the audacity to be born girls: “My daughters, the cows,” how should they ever match up to him! Whereupon one of them goes on the offensive and mutates into a hard-nosed businesswoman, as does Marta, the elder of the two, whilst the other, Kasia, finds comfort by living up to her father's prejudice: eternally unable to get her act together, as she stumbles from one esoteric ray of hope to the next.
This set of arrangements is shaken to the core however, by both the mother's imminent death and the fact that father turns out a mere mortal like the rest of us after all. Director Kinga Dębska's highly sympathetic family portrait demonstrates how all involved are pushed to the limit, and yet still find it within themselves to go that extra mile. A moving, tragicomic take on the strength of family bonds. PN
DCP | Farbe / colour
Kinga Dębska
Andrzej Wojciechowski
Leszek Freund
Bartosz Karczyński
Ewa Skoczkowska
Bartosz Chajdecki
Agata Kulesza, Gabriela Muskała, Marian Dziędziel, Małgorzata Niemirska, Marcin Dorociński, Łukasz Simlat
Zbigniew Domagalski
Studio Filmowe Kalejdoskop
The Documentary and Feature Film Studios (WFDiF)
Justyna Koronkiewicz
Ul. Giełdowa 4c/54
01-211 Warsaw
Tel.: + 55

Kinga Dębska - born 1969 in Białystok, Poland. Before graduating from FAMU in Prague with a degree in film directing in 2001, she studied Japanese Language and Culture in Warsaw. Having hitherto primarily directed documentaries, her debut feature film HEL proved a nationwide success. MOJE CÓRKI KROWY is her second feature film.
PARA MIESZANA (2005, doc)
DROGA, PRAWDA, ŻYCIE (2001, short, doc)
UZDROWICIELE (2002, doc)
PARA MIESZANA (2005, doc)
MALE RADOSTI (2007, short)
HEL (2009)
AKTORKA (2015, doc)