As with Mircea himself the lives of his passengers haven't turned out as planned: there's a quarrelling, aggressive couple, a Santa Claus who hates children and a rejected lover. Despite everything he remains stoic, even when a screaming female passenger climbs over his lap in order to hurl the most vulgar of insults at a slow-witted waitress at a drive-in restaurant.
Featuring fast-paced, cleverly cut scenes, a diverse cast and a backdrop of glaring neon lights director Andrei Huţuleac creates an entertaining satire that keeps viewers on their toes and a bitter end that will long remain in the memory. DJ
DCP | Farbe / Colour
Andrei Huțuleac
Constantin Ene Jr.
Ioan Filip, Dan-Ștefan Rucăreanu
Valerian Bulgariu
Adeline Andreea Bădescu
Tibor Cári
Marian Râlea, Mirela Oprişor, Alin Florea, Petru Roşu, Daria Pentelie, Alexandru Minculescu, Raluca Aprodu, Andi Vasluianu
Tudor Giurgiu
Libra Film Productions
Hai Hui Entertainment
Libra Film Productions
Silvia Constantin
Str. Popa Soare, 52, Bucharest-Sector 2, Bucharest 030167, Romania

Andrei HuŢuleac - born in Romania. He studied acting at the University of Theatre and Cinematography in Bucharest and is best known for his work in the theatre. For some years now he has also been involved in the medium of film, both as an actor and as a director.
OFFSTAGE (2017, short)