Section: Russkiy Den

Chelovek neunyvajushchij

Homo Sperans

Andrei Konchalovsky
Russia, 2020, 73 Min

"What is typically Russian?", "What makes Russia special for you?", "Why do you love Russia?" Far away from the Russian metropolises of Moscow and St. Petersburg, in the other regions of this huge country, answers to these questions are to be found. From initial patriotic phrases the protagonists quickly move on to personal expressions of opinion.

Filmtalk: HOMO SPERANS | English Q&A | FFC 2020

In the smaller villages and towns of these regions life is usually both simple and arduous. Different people try to answer in their own way and talk about their lives. One teacher thinks that the flag and the anthem are meaningless to him. Democracy is unanimously criticised as something unsuitable for Russia and a cause of chaos. And the question about God provokes very different reactions. With his documentary Andrei Konchalovsky presents a controversial portrayal of opinion that is largely positive, this despite the difficult conditions in which people live. It gives expression to the hopes of the inhabitants of a country where one in four children lives below the poverty line and 44% of families struggle to make ends meet. When asked about the meaning of life he is met with silence, until finally someone says not to think about it. There is none. 81% of Russians consider themselves happy. MM

Andrei Konchalovsky and Ekaterina Zenovich
Natalya Pavlovskaya
Polina Volynkina
Sergey Taraskin
Andrei Konchalovsky
Andrei Konchalovsky Studios Pravdy street 21 Moscow, 125124 +74952551617
Olesya Gidrat
Andrei Konchalovsky

Andrei Konchalovsky -